Real History Revealed: 12 Things You Were Not Told About Adolf Hitler And National Socialist Germany!

First.. On a personal note...I came down with a severe throat infection about mid week, and for the last two days I had to bite the bullet and see a doctor... Yes, it was that severe... And due to the fact that the infection spread into my ears and deeply into my sinus cavities, I was prescribed a dose of antibiotics.... Yes, I have been dead set against the usage of Antibiotics except as a "last resort" and in my case, it proved necessary.... I am now on the road to recovery....Someone told me just today that yesterday was the day that the world is forced to "remember" the so called Jewish "Holocaust" of World War II..... And honestly, I am so glad that I missed it.... I for one cannot stand the fact that we are all forced to bow down to these criminals and "remember" their so called "genocide" when that "genocide" is NOT even allowed to be properly investigated and researched, especially here in Jewish occupied Canada, to PROVE that it is actually as factual as these criminals state..... To me, THAT is the real travesty of this "Holocaust remembrance" that yesterday entailed.... It is also so sad that countries such as mine have had the gall and the criminality to impose fraud "hate crime laws" that suppress and disallow "investigation" into the "Holocaust"... I again must therefore ask the simple and logical question:  "Why is proper investigation into the "Holocaust" not allowed?  Is there something that these criminals do not want us to discover if a proper investigation is launched?".... It again shows the fact that ..."Truth never needs laws to support itself, Only LIES do!"OK, the subject for today is exposing some REAL history, and not the garbage that has been shoved into our minds due to the failings of the so called "education system" that has brainwashed so many for decades.... And I do absolutely want to focus once again on some aspects of the real truths about World War II and especially the real truths about Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany...Right now, I want to present the link to a fabulous report that comes from the "Neues Europa" blogsite, at, that shows once again how badly we have been lied to about both Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Germany.... I have the link to that amazing article right here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: I want to thank Cartier McCloud over at her website, "Hidden In Plain Site", at www.cartiermccloud., for bringing this fabulous report to my attention...The information provided once again blows big holes in all the bullshit that we have been brainwashed about Germany before and during the second World War..... And again shows how badly we have been lied to....OK, Lets once again not pull any punches here...Adolf Hitler was no saint, and he did make some major mistakes and grievous errors that ultimately led to Germany's demise... But again I must point out that he NEVER had any policy, period, that called for the 'genocide' of any particular religious group and I again dare anyone to show the proof otherwise....These are indeed some amazing points, and my being a man of science, I was especially drawn to points #1, where that shows WHY the Jewish criminal bankers did indeed launch World War II to have Germany destroyed and forced back onto their odious Usury system... And point #6 sparked my interest in terms of German scientists working on "Free Energy" systems and technology.  If the German nation had been able to succeed in harnessing "Free Energy" then it would have definitely doomed the Jewish grip on the planet by providing free energy to everyone... Therefore it is no wonder the Jewish scoundrels wanted Germany destroyed so badly and WHY to this day they constantly try to ram the falsehoods of "evil Germany" into everyone's brains though their fraud media...So once again the truths about Germany and Adolf Hitler are there for everyone to see for themselves.... I will definitely continue to expose how badly we have been lied to in future articles here, so stay tuned...More to comeNTS