Rand Paul Introduces Tulsi Gabbard’s Stop Arming Terrorists Act

A well-equipped Syrian rebel using a US-made BGM-71 TOW against the Syrian Arab Army. (Photo YouTube Screenshot)
The Duran has reported extensively on Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s quest to stop the US Congress from funding jihadist terrorist groups, specifically al-Qaeda and ISIS.
The Democrat Congresswoman recently traveled to Syria on a fact finding mission to confirm that their is “no difference between ‘moderate’ rebels and al-Qaeda or ISIS  – they are all the same”.
Her bill, aptly named the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, aims to put an end to the illegal arming of terrorist groups, like ISIS and al-Nusra, used by the Obama Administration to destabilize Syria.

Senator Rand Paul is now getting behind Gabbard’s efforts.

Trump campaigned heavily on a “defeat ISIS at all costs” platform. Are we seeing a major shift in how the US government conducts itself in the international arena?
The Anti Media reports
According to a press release released Friday by the office of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Rand Paul has introduced their bill, the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, in the U.S. Senate. The bipartisan legislation (H.R.608 and S.532) aims to prohibit any federal agency from using taxpayer dollars to provide weapons, cash, intelligence, or any support to al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist groups. It would also prohibit the government from funneling money and weapons through other countries that are directly or indirectly supporting terrorists.

Gabbard said in her Press Release
“For years, the U.S. government has been supporting armed militant groups working directly with and often under the command of terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government. Rather than spending trillions of dollars on regime change wars in the Middle East, we should be focused on defeating terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda, and using our resources to invest in rebuilding our communities here at home.”
“The fact that American taxpayer dollars are being used to strengthen the very terrorist groups we should be focused on defeating should alarm every Member of Congress and every American.  We call on our colleagues and the Administration to join us in passing this legislation.
Rand Paul is on board withe the bill…
“One of the unintended consequences of nation-building and open-ended intervention is American funds and weapons benefiting those who hate us. This legislation will strengthen our foreign policy, enhance our national security, and safeguard our resources.”
The legislation is currently co-sponsored by Reps. John Conyers (D-MI); Scott Perry (R-PA); Peter Welch (D-VT; Tom Garrett (R-VA); Thomas Massie (R-KY); Barbara Lee (D-CA); Walter Jones (R-NC); Ted Yoho (R-FL); and Paul Gosar (R-AZ). It is endorsed by Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), Veterans for Peace, and the U.S. Peace Council.

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