Quebec City Mosque Shootings: False Flag Inside Job Conspiracy

I am puzzled.... I have been looking over some of the facts presented about this "shooting" at that mosque in Quebec City as the known liars in the Jew spew media are presenting, and I find myself asking so many questions and not getting so many answers in return!  Honestly, the more I am looking at this shooting, the more I see this as a set up, and this Alexandre Bissonnette character as the patsy to take the fall for this crime...Look, I am NOT saying that nobody died in this incident... The evidence is clear that there were indeed some victims and deaths with this latest shooting... BUT the first thing that had alarm bells ringing off in my head was how QUICKLY the criminal Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, was in calling this event a "terrorist attack"!   In a normal shooting event, it takes time to ascertain how the event unfolded and who the suspects were before anyone can call it a "terrorist" attack, and lo and behold here we have Justin going on air and claiming it to be one within hours....Then we have some real peculiarities about the shooting itself... ALL initial reports from survivors at the scene and even the first reports coming out of the Jew spew media, all stated clearly that there were at least THREE SHOOTERS.... To use 3 shooters for such an attack means that this was carefully preplanned and preconceived by someone who wanted this mosque shot up and to have people killed... However, within hours the story somehow changed almost by magic and now we have this 'LONE GUNMAN' idea and only one 'shooter" involved, Alexandre Bissonnette!  This sudden change from 3 shooters to only one should have everyone's red flags raised!But I am perplexed by the supposed "lone gunman" shooter himself....There are so many questions about this Alexandre Bissonnete, including how a supposed college student got a hold of the guns they say he used to shoot up the mosque?   And supposedly, Alexandre was a timid well natured individual with no history of anger or madness to the extent that he would suddenly have a complete meltdown and attack a mosque!  Those facts also had me realizing that there is indeed so much more to this "shooting" than meets the eye...Now, I want to present a link to an interesting article from a fellow real truth seeker, Aangirfan, who of course writes his blog over at In his article, entitled "Quebec Mosque Attack - False Flag Inside Job Conspiracy" , you will see some great details on how this entire Quebec City mosque attack does indeed stink to high heaven... Here is the link to that report here:, I again will not side with anyone that may look at this attack as being an entire hoax and claiming that "nobody died"... The facts are that periodically the monsters that do these fraud attacks have to have real victims and real deaths.... Such appears to be the case with this mosque attack...In all honesty, I see this as a preplanned attack that involved a hit squad of at least 3 participants... I also do believe that this Alexandre Bissonnette character is innocent of this shooting, but they have conditioned and drugged this young man so badly that he will take the fall for this planned hit...The big question here to me is... WHO BENEFITS?  I have always pondered what the criminals have to gain from these type of attacks, and apparently the first ones that benefit from this attack in Quebec are those who want to see Canada continue to be flooded with so many illegal migrant workers (What these "refugees" truly are..) and of course I do wonder what Justin Trudeau and his regime in Ottawa are to gain as well and what they will now do to the Canadian people to "protect" them from the nonsense "terrorist" threat.....There is indeed so much more to this Quebec City shooting than meets the eye... I will continue to present reports here as more important information surfaces... So stay tuned..More to comeNTS