Putting #DebtTrapDebbie Wasserman Schultz Out To Pasture-- A Decade Late

These 2 self-serving careerists have wrecked the Democratic Party#DebtATrapDebbie Wasserman Schultz has been squawking like a stuck pig in her e-mails about the rivers of small contributions flowing into Tim Canova's campaign to defeat her in South Florida. She has to work hard for the money she gets from special interests for Big Sugar, pay day lenders, Wall Street banksters, the private prison industry, the alcohol lobbyists. All the special favors she's done for them have made her name poison to a growing cadre of good government types. In another one of her misleading and hysterical e-mails, titled Mystery Million, ole #DebtTrapDebbie brays, "Ok, friends. Here’s what we know so far. We know that one of my opponents has raised $1 million, which is nothing to take lightly. Some political pundits are saying that he has cash 'pouring in.' We know that 90% of the money is coming from donors outside Florida. My opponent went searching far and wide for support from people unfamiliar with my record of fighting for South Florida’s families." The only South Florida families she fights for are the various branches of the Fanjul family, the corrupt sugar barons who have financed her sleazy political career.As for cash "pouring in," that's the power of Tim Canova's grassroots which has harnessed over 85,000 individual donors from every part of Florida and every part of America who think #DebtTrapDebbie should have been put out to pasture years ago. The "mystery millions" she whining about come from 1,048 students, 3,230 teachers, 1,473 nurses giving an average of $18 each... while the $1,774,270 she had brought in by the March 31 FEC filing deadline came overwhelmingly from the Finance Sector ($194,600) and from lawyers and lobbyists ($136,725). Her one biggest single donor, the slimy Fanjul Corp., has given a thousand times what the average Canova donor gave! But, as I said, she works hard for the money-- and you'd never hear Pepe and Alfy complain about the service.Yesterday DFA joined Blue America, the Nurses Union, the Communication Workers of America, the Transportation Workers Union and Bernie Sanders in endorsing Canova's campaign. DFA has 73,136 members in Florida and a million members nationwide. (You can contribute to Canova's awesome grassroots campaign by hitting the thermometer on the right.) Jim Dean, chair of DFA: "DFA members are backing Tim Canova in this race for Congress, not for who he supports or who supports him, but because he has spent his life challenging the power of Wall Street banks, multinational corporations, and the systemic political corruption that keeps them profitable at the expense of everyone else. From her vote in support of fast track authority for the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership to her unabashed protection of a payday lending industry that makes billions off the back struggling working families, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has aligned herself with the wealthy interests who are making income inequality worse in our country. Simply put: If Democrats are going to be the party that confronts the wealthy and powerful who dominate our political process and enable growing income inequality, we need political revolutionaries like Tim Canova in the U.S. Congress."