Putin calls for end to Kiev’s military operation, postponing referendum in E. Ukraine + ‘WW3″ updates

Putin calls for end to Kiev’s military operation, postponing referendum in E. Ukraine
07 May 2014 Ukrainian right-wing groups are behind the recent events in the country, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, adding that Kiev has not disarmed them. He also called on anti-Kiev protesters to postpone a May 11 federalization referendum. “Russia believes that the crisis, which originated in Ukraine and is now actively developing in accordance with the worst-case scenario, is to be blamed on those who organized the coup in Kiev on 22-23 February and still do not care to disarm the right-wing and nationalist elements,” the president said.

New subs, warships, SAMs, troops to be deployed in Crimea
06 May 2014 The Russian Defense Ministry is planning to deploy additional forces in Crimea as part of beefing up the Black Sea fleet under a 2.5 billion program. “Before year’s end we will form new units of air defense and marine troops at the sites of our fleet’s deployment,” Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Tuesday. The minister stressed that the Navy beef-up program for the Black Sea fleet was extended due to Crimea, the fleet’s base, becoming part of Russia in March.

Dozens injured, fatalities on both sides in ongoing military op in Slavyansk
05 May 2014 There were fatalities among both Kiev loyalists and local militia members after government troops renewed the crackdown on the defiant eastern Ukrainian protester stronghold of Slavyansk. Over a dozen of people have been killed, including some civilians. There was a shooting on the outskirts of Slavyansk as pro-government troops raided a protester checkpoint on Monday.

Demo held in Moscow in memory of Odessa killings
05 May 2014 Thousands of Russians have rallied in memory of those who have lost their lives in the Ukrainian city of Odessa as the unrest in the port city is escalating. The Monday rally in Moscow came two days after dozens of people were killed in Odessa. On May 2, nearly 70 people were killed and hundreds of others injured after the Ukrainian forces launched a military operation against pro-Russia protesters, who are in control of several eastern cities.

Moscow releases ‘White Book’ on human rights abuses in crisis-torn Ukraine
05 May 2014 A report on human rights violations, law abuses, use of torture, inhuman treatment and other crimes in Ukraine from the end of November 2013 to the end of March 2014, a so called ‘White Book’, has been presented by the Russian Foreign Ministry. The authors compiled their facts by carefully monitoring Ukrainian, Russian and some Western media reports.

