Psssst Did You Know? At This Rate It Would Take 26 More Years to Release All Snowden Documents

I just finished reading a very telling post at my favorite site Cryptome. Don’t worry, it is not a lengthy article. In fact, it hits you with a few short sentences and numbers to go along with them. Here it is:
Out of reported 15,000 pages, The Guardian has published 192 pages in fourteen releases over four months, an average of 48 pages per month, or 1.28% of the total. At this rate it will take 26 years for full release.
Isn’t it amazing? All the shenanigans, all the risk-taking, all that and more, and here we are, all we’ve got out of 15,000 leaked pages is some 192-page incremental reporting. And that is mixed with another fact: The effect and impact of the leak has been diminishing steadily but rapidly. People are yawning. The star reporters are extremely busy signing lucrative seven-figure contracts for books and movies-some even milking their media interviews for dollar sums. Let’s cash in while we can, bros!!
Anyhow, the Cryptome report also includes the following, which puts this entire deal into a better perspective. By the time the yawn-inducing leak is completed, meaning, we have the entire 15,000 pages:
Edward Snowden will be 56 years old.
Glenn Greenwald will be 72.
Laura Poitras will be 75.
Alan Rusbridger will be 86.
Barton Gellman will be 78.
Julian Assange will be 68.
Chelsea Manning will be 52.
Keith Alexander will be 88.
Barack Obama will be 78.
Daniel Ellsberg will be 108.
This author will be 103.
All right. Now it is your turn. How old will you be when the mainstream is done with releasing the by then outdated, pickled, and no longer relevant documents?
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