Psalm of the Iron Rice Bowl

Dear Great Spirit: CC; I am Who Am, Jesus, Allah,
Gula-Bau, Mao, Soros, Prince Bandar, the C.I.A….,
Although the poor and nepotistas
will be always with us, I placed my resume
inside cracks of US Treasury walls and lament.
Unemployed, I can only tithe 10%
of benefits to support Israel’s Iron Dome,
too bad how Pentagon coughed-up merely
$429 Million more?
I need a job, even a lousy one or two.
I have unique Q&E, so please consider me?
For 13-episodes,
I watched Spielberg & King’s Under the Dome,
never once distracted by Activia commercials.
For 40-days, 40-nights, @ Job Training,
my adept hands assembled LEGO parts,
constructed “Micro World, The Nether.”
I tried (but failed) bribing Luzerne County
“Kids for Cash” Judges Ciavarella and Conahan
to consider sentencing juveniles to a Nether life
of misfit toys.
In slim-fit Levis, bred on Han pork & fried rice,
I say nobody in America’s
more qualified than I for an entry-level position
and building Israel’s Iron Dome.
Nobody, nobody!
However sweet is life in Scranton Steamtown Mall,
from whence LEGO “Ghasts & Zombie Pigman” fled,
please take note, I am willing to travel east,
but not by way of South China Sea.
So if ears can hear, eyes can see,
please peruse my resume, pass it around?
Meatless references are available upon request.
