Protecting American Children From Trump And Bannon

When Blue America first endorsed Pramila Jayapal, becoming the first group outside of Seattle to do so, we talked about her record in the state legislature of working across the aisle. not by sucking up to Republicans and signing on to their toxic agenda the way the New Dems and Blue Dogs do, but by bringing mainstream Republicans along to work on issues where American values outweigh crazy right-wing partisanship and ideology. So... it should come as no surprise that she and another Washington state Congressmember, Republican Dave Reichert, have co-sponsored a bill to protect children from Trump and Bannon's malevolent deportation agenda.H.R. 496, the Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow our Economy (BRIDGE) Act, will allow individuals who meet the standards of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to remain in the United States without fear of deportation. This protected status lasts for a period of three years while Congress and the administration update U.S. immigration laws. Additionally, an applicant may not be removed from the U.S. while his or her application for protected status is pending if the applicant meets the necessary requirements.It's a safe bet that Pramila will be able to deliver every Democrat in Congress-- with the possible exception of a small handful of bigoted Blue Dog fanatics like Collin Peterson and Josh Gottheimer-- when the bill comes up. But can Reichert bring enough of his fellow Republicans along to pass it? That's going to be a tough call. In January 2015, far right racist and crackpot Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) brought up a deportation amendment to throw children who had grown up in America out of the country. It was never enacted into law, of course, but it passed 218-209. Reichert and 25 other Republicans joined all the Democrats to oppose it. Republicans standing up to Blackburn's vicious bigotry were several with large Hispanic populations in their districts like Mario Diaz-Balart (FL), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL), Carlos Curbelo (FL), Jeff Denham (CA), David Valadao (CA), Devin Nunes (CA), Mike Coffman (CO), Peter King (NY), Cresent Hardy NV), Mark Amodei (NV), Joe Heck (NV) and Martha McSally (AZ), plus a few of the less extreme Republicans like Reichert-- Richard Hanna (NY), John Katko (NY), Chris Gibson (NY), Charlie Dent (PA), Ryan Costello (PA), Patrick Meehan (PA), Robert Dold (IL), Adam Kinzinger (IL), Fred Upton (MI), Renee Ellmers (NC), Frank LoBiondo (NJ), Tom MacArthur (NJ) and Christopher Smith (NJ). Reacher's problem is that 6 of these 26 Republicans willing to stand up to the radicals who control their party are no longer in Congress."We can and should." Reichert said to his GOP colleagues, "defend the children who were brought to our nation many years ago outside of their own control. This is their country and their home. I am proud to support these children by cosponsoring legislation to allow these individuals who are our neighbors, loved ones, colleagues and productive members of our communities to remain and work in America while we continue working toward a long-term immigration solution. Our immigration system must be fair, effective, and compassionate toward the many families and individuals seeking to live the American dream and contribute to our communities."This is a battle Pramila has been engaged in for many years before she ever thought about running for Congress. "It’s our moral responsibility to protect children who were brought here years ago through no fault of their own," she explained. "Not only because they are our friends, neighbors and loved ones, but because it’s right thing to do. We are the land of opportunity that welcomes anyone seeking a better life and access to the American dream. Our inhumane immigration system goes against our values. We need to work together to solve this crisis. This is an important first step toward protecting these young people from deportation. I will continue to advocate for a permanent solution not only for these children, but also their families."By the way, Blue America has endorsed only 6 House incumbents so far this cycle-- Pramila Jayapal being one of them. Please consider contributing to her reelection campaign by clicking on the ActBlue thermometer below: