Propaganda Countdown to WWIII: Armenians in the Crosshairs

While the two leaders from Armenia and Azerbaijan met this week and agreed to comply with the treaty set forth that ended their bloody six year war back in 1994, both action on the ground along the Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) Line of Contact as well as the fierce information and propaganda war belie purported reaffirmations made by both nations’ top politicians. No one can take the Vienna talks seriously anymore between Armenia’s President Sargsyan and Azeri President Aliyev for the precise reason that moments after they were agreeing to uphold another ceasefire yet more Azeri gunfire, grenade launchers and mortar fire were killing yet another Armenian soldier. In a similar copycat, tit for tat announcement, the Azeri Ministry of Defense claimed one of its own soldiers was also killed though unlike the Nagorno-Karabakh soldier whose name was identified, the alleged Azeri victim remained nameless.
Meanwhile, the day before the Vienna meeting, the defense ministers from Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia, three out of four of Armenia’s bordering neighbors, announced joint military exercises in preparation for war against their common enemy, the hated Christian neighbor they surround. Only Iran bordering Armenia to the south will not be practicing war games next spring with them, remaining sympathetically neutral to Armenia’s right to exist and self-determine its own fate.
The old “follow the money” adage to uncovering the underlying truth behind every action and development on the world stage of geopolitics is always a worthwhile endeavor. What we know from an entrenched recurring pattern is that the US Empire has obsessed over attempts to  isolate and weaken Russia by cutting off its natural gas supply to Europe with new pipelines originating in the rich Caspian Azeri oil fields. President George HW Bush lied to Soviet President Gorbachev promising not to expand NATO “as much as a thumb’s width further to the East” toward the former Soviet Union and that Russia could enter NATO. No sooner said than done was US Empire’s betrayal in recruiting all of Russia’s former Soviet bloc western border nations to joining NATO and aggressively installing nuclear warhead missiles aimed directly at Moscow.
These two subversive ploys, expanding the anti-Russian enemy camp along both Russia and China’s borders while engaging in energy pipeline wars have characterized US foreign policy toward Russia for over a quarter century. Additionally the US and Europe have imposed economic sanctions against Russia after Putin reclaimed his own Crimean naval base the West was about to steal and annexed Crimea after its citizens voted overwhelmingly to join Russia again in response to the illegal February 2014 US-induced coup in Ukraine. Hence, the US Empire led by the notorious Washington neocons have willfully triggered cold war 2 with both Russia and China as the biggest threats to US unipolar global hegemony. The neocons as globalist puppets are selfishly unwilling to share power in this world and thus would rather endanger every life on the planet with a potential nuclear World War III showdown. The human race be damned, peace and stability are clearly not US Empire objectives.
This week a $45 billion investment in yet another proposed pipeline route – the TransAdriatic Pipeline (TAP) – is being christened in Greece by the Greek prime minster, US State Department officials and reps from Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria and Albania for delivery of Azerbaijani gas scheduled for flow in early 2020. Just to illustrate the prioritized significance of cutting off Russia from its number one export trade partner Europe with Azeri gas and oil, this colossal multi-national project is Greece’s largest foreign investment ever. US Empire’s been gunning to take down Russia as its chief global power rival and number one gas supplier to the entire world.
A week ago a propaganda piece entitled “The Frozen War that Threatens Global Energy Flows” featured in The National Interest, a conservative bi-monthly journal whose honorary chairman is NWO globalist Henry Kissinger, vilified Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh as ravenous aggressors destroying 256 Azeri village homes since April 2nd, including in late April, well after the April 5th truce, 58 more homes that also caused power plant explosions taking out electricity to 20 Azeri border towns. The biased article slants Armenians from both the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh as a direct strategic threat to Western interests when the reality is on April 2nd it was Azerbaijan’s armed forces that attempted a surprise attack invasion in the middle of the night of Armenia’s ancient Artsakh homeland that’s belonged to Armenians through the centuries long before the Azeris were even a people or nation.
In a divide and conquer strategy shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution, in 1921 with Lenin’s authorization Stalin granted the 98% Armenian populated region of Nagorno-Karabakh and other Armenian enclaves like Nakhichevan to Azerbaijan. Just prior to the breakup of the Soviet Union when the outer state republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan were both due to become independent nations from Russia, the Nagorno-Karabakh residents in 1988, consisting of 85% Armenians, voted in a referendum for independence in 1991 which then led to all-out Azeri-Armenian war. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that really began in 1988 and escalated into a full blown war from 1991 to 1994 resulted in the loss of 30,000 lives and an Armenian victory in defense of their ancient homeland.
And ever since the Russian brokered 1994 truce at the Line of Contact along the border with Azerbaijan there have been near daily military skirmishes and mortar and rocket fire attacks launched mostly by the revengeful Azerbaijani forces. The Armenians who are safeguarding their homeland have little motivation to attack Azerbaijan unless in self-defense whereas the Azeris believe the Karabakh Armenians stole their land and they’re determined to get it back by any violent means necessary. So in all historical fairness to the sovereign Armenian citizens whose Christian churches in Artsakh date back to the 5th century, that enclave should have always rightfully belonged to Armenians and Armenia.
But The National Interest article’s pro-Western energy stance having so much invested in pumping Baku gas and oil to Europe is investing propaganda lies in an information war that’s been building in recent years. The article’s author, an Azeri energy affairs analyst, clearly paints the “Armenian occupiers of Azerbaijan’s long disputed territory” as the repeated aggressor, implying that a Western led war against Nagorno-Karabakh would not only be in the best national interest of Azerbaijan but for energy investment purposes in the best interests of both the United States and Europe as well.
When the aforementioned National Interest article written by an Azeri oil and gas rep was published on May 10th, another hack Armenia job appeared in that same National Interest journal the exact same day entitled “Nagorno-Karabakh Isn’t Disputed Territory – It’s Occupied.” This article was also written by an Azerbaijani nationalist who had formerly served in Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense. It seems obvious The National Interest is Big Oil interest which explains why the anti-Armenian Western media blitzkrieg chose to black out documenting any Azeri atrocities taking place during that first week of April against Armenian civilians living in Nagorno-Karabakh. Among the few media outlets covering the military conflict, I wrote a series of articles published on Global Research, Lew Rockwell and based on on-the-ground eyewitness accounts from the war zone. Virtually no mainstream media coverage in the US accurately reported the attempted Azeri invasion into Artsakh for what it was. Rather than the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Forces being described as Armenians defending their ancient homeland, Western media constantly referred to them as the “occupying force” or “separatists,” avoiding any hint of condemnation toward the blatant Azeri aggression as clearly the invading force, instead simply reporting each side blaming the other for starting the worst outbreak of violence in 22 years.
Yet despite this barrage of false narrative lies, half-truths and disinformation, in the wake of the voice increasingly heard amongst EU parliament members, cities and mayors across Europe and the US recently calling for formal recognition of Artsakh as part of Armenia, Azerbaijan has feverishly countered this growing momentum by sinking millions of dollars (not unlike Turkey’s Erdogan) on a major publicity campaign using Western MSM to effectively demonize the Armenians as the heavies. In spite of all the heavy-handed lies and propaganda, demands for truth and justice cannot be silenced. Just two days prior to the Azeri incursion into Nagorno-Karabakh, Hawaii became the seventh state in America to formally recognize Artsakh as an independent state following Georgia, Louisiana, California, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Maine.
We’ve seen this same exact rerun before every time US Empire wants war. The rhetoric and lies get cranked up and out in concentrated nonstop hype the same way the neocons’ PR campaign was used to sell the 2003 Iraq War invasion based on the pack of WMD lies falsely linking Saddam to nonexistent nukes and terrorism when, in fact, al Qaeda was a US-CIA invention that led to the 9/11 inside job as the PNAC manufactured means to an end called the “endless war on terror” and subsequent Patriot Act and annual NDAA’s stripping US citizens of their constitutional liberties at home. And a decade later a new and improved terrorist brand was reinvented, secretly armed, financed and supported by the US again as ISIS in order to fight Empire’s proxy regime-change war in Syria, expanding to destabilize the entire Middle East and North Africa and far beyond. The true intent of US foreign policy is one of chaos and destruction to destabilize the entire world. And as such, the true global terrorists behind jihadist patsies and their CIA handlers are the neocon traitors in Washington and their globalist puppet masters!
The US propaganda war machine has always invented new enemies. Dating back to the British in the Revolutionary War (right after they served as allies helping American colonists defeat the French in the French and Indian Wars), globalists the likes of Henry Ford and the Bushes financing the rise of Hitler only to then become the enemy of the “civilized world,” then the next designated enemy the Communists (right after Russia was a WWII ally) whose revolutionary leader Lenin was also financed by US globalists and more recently al Qaeda and Islamic State terrorists, all the while purposely starting virtually every US war with false flag operations. There’s a longtime pattern in US history of using and supporting other nations, dictators and terrorists as allies until deemed no longer useful for US self-interest and they suddenly become the demonized enemy by design. Saddam, Muamar and Putin come readily to mind. Osama and his al Qaeda terrorist crew were proxy war allies fighting to break up the Soviet Empire in Afghanistan throughout the 1980’s, then redeployed in the 1990’s Balkans to break up Yugoslavia, and then used as 9/11 stooges that the US further created in Iraq (where al Qaeda never existed prior to the 2003 invasion) and the rest is history.
And now this new round of imperialistic hyped up bullshit is once again being repeated targeting history’s first Christian nation, the Armenians, who find themselves in Empire’s crosshairs for the sake of dually protecting the Western elite’s oil/gas as well as anti-Putin interests. History keeps repeating itself on a do-loop to infinity until an educated public finally wakes up and learns from past history lessons that every war, every enemy and every up and down economic turn, including the impending system collapse, are merely preplanned, meticulously engineered events perpetrated by the criminal ruling elite. As owners of the world’s largest corporations and central banking system, they also have owned and controlled the West’s international crime cabal consisting of the United Nations (the predesignated one world government precursor) and all the national governments that, of course, include the US Empire, Israel, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Europe, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
And right after last month’s military fighting flared up, within a couple of weeks after the latest uneasy ceasefire that’s been regularly violated by the Azeris, it didn’t take long for the US to try and stir up more anti-Russian protests. If it’s not the Turks and Azeris vowing to finish the genocide started a century ago, it’s Hillary’s Victoria Nuland making her South Caucasus rounds sinking her imperialistic claws into manipulating another 2014 Ukraine-style color revolution in Armenia. Reminiscent of last year’s “Electric Yerevan” protests, a couple weeks ago the US State Department NGO vultures were at it again. Anything to drive a wedge between Armenia and Russia as one more hostile Western puppet at Putin’s doorstep. Despite Russia selling arms to Azerbaijan used to kill Armenians, Armenia knows that without the Russian air and military bases, the mutual defense pact, the additional Russian troops assembled at the Turkish border that includes an S-400 antimissile system along with $200 million worth of promised armaments from Russia, the Muslim wolves licking their chops at each border where the sunrises and sunsets would be finishing the genocide started a century ago.
Also as part of the anti-Armenian blitzkrieg of lies, Azerbaijan last week accused the Armenians of using internationally outlawed chemical weapons last month. After the Armenians turned over solid evidence of ISIS-like beheadings, reflecting a strong presence of Azeri Islamic State jihadists along with Turkish Grey Wolves joining the Azeri army in the invasion, cutting off ears of elderly Armenian gunshot victims to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the International Court of Justice for further investigation, the tit for tat Azeris felt compelled to make false accusations against Armenian soldiers. The Baku government is now claiming that a round of white phosphorus was discovered in a field. Of course, if the round is, in fact, real, it could be used by either side for any number of purposes other than as a flesh burning poisonous weapon. Unlike how US military used this chemical warfare to kill civilians in Fallujah, Iraq or Israelis killing Palestinian civilians in Gaza, white phosphorus can also be used for illumination or for troop cover. But merely the accusation alone that Armenians were potentially using it against Azeris is great publicity fodder to demonize Armenians and a win for Azeri-US Western oil interests against their “growing Armenian threat.”  The Council on Foreign Relations, as the prime US foreign policy architect made sure that the AP article that ran the white phosphorus story was posted on its website.
Yet another deceptive ploy in the Azeri-Big Oil arsenal to turn Armenia into a US Empire enemy is a documentary entitled The Endless Corridor narrated by renowned British actor Jeremy Irons to be released within days making a case that back during the Nagorno-Karabakh War the Armenians committed the infamous Khojaly “genocide massacre” of Azeri civilians. Again, the facts prove that the Azeris cold-bloodedly allowed their own people to be killed in a false flag designed to first pin it on their Armenian enemy and secondarily a convenient ploy to remove the first Azerbaijan president from office. The film has already made the international film festival circuit in conjunction with the “Justice for Khojaly Campaign” organized by Leyla Aliyeva, granddaughter of Haydar Aliyev and vice president of the Haydar’s Foundation, the same opposition leader who helped engineer the false flag, the impeachment of his predecessor and whose corrupt despotic son just unilaterally attacked Nagorno-Karabakh a day after meeting with John Kerry last month.
The truth is four years prior to Khojaly the Azeris were repeatedly engaging in pogroms, ethnic cleansing Armenians living both in NK as well as in other Azerbaijan cities. In the suburb of Sumgait 15 miles outside of Baku, Azeri agents provocateurs incited riots in February 1988 spreading false rumors that Armenians were murdering Azeri civilians in NK. According to Soviet reports, 26 Armenians were killed during the ensuing 3-day rampage and Armenian residents in Azerbaijan were forced to migrate to Armenian safe zones outside of Azerbaijan. Roving angry Azeri mobs were allowed by local police to indiscriminately kill Armenians both on the streets as well as break into homes and beat, rape, burn alive and mutilate tortured victims. What came to be called the Sumgait syndrome was repeated over and over again in a number of cities and towns in Azerbaijan leading up to the Nagorno-Karabakh War. So true to their well-documented pattern, the Azeris felt compelled to come up with their own propagandized version of non-reality to show that they too can be victims of genocide committed by Armenians.
In recent years with its boo koo oil bucks the Baku government has been pushing and lobbying hard for Khojaly to be officially recognized as an Armenian genocidal massacre against an Azeri civilian population. As an example of the fictionalized spin trying to pass itself off as the truth, a London Post article says it all. Counter accusations of crimes against humanity help to absolve the Azeris’ guilt for their own genocidal ethnic cleansing against Armenians similar to revisionist claims that Armenians massacred Turks in the last century’s first genocide against Armenians during World War I that to this day Turkey still refuses to admit. This latest bogus documentary coming out at this particular time is specifically intended to strategically win over hearts and minds in the court of world public opinion to create Armenia as the new vilified enemy in the Azeri-Turkish-oil driven Western publicity campaign setting the stage for a new Western backed proxy war against both the Republic of Armenia and its “illegitimate” Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh in yet another war directed at Putin’s Russia.
Overwhelming evidence demonstrates that the current extremely corrupt, ruthless and deceitful Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev, who inherited his oppressive regime that’s among the world’s worst human rights violators from his tyrannical father Heydar, has only stood to gain from the lies resurrecting the “Khojaly massacre” misnomer. Azerbaijan’s staging the false flag event that began just before midnight on February 25, 1992 played a major role in the removal from power of the then first president of Azerbaijan, forcing him to flee for his life exiled in Russia, making it convenient just a year later for Heydar Aliyev to secure his family dictatorship’s reign of power.
All the journalists, photographers and videographers, some even Azeri citizens, at the Khojaly scene immediately following the staged crime who dared to report and show the truth of what really happened at Khojaly have all been systematically assassinated or imprisoned to ensure that the official false narrative lies continue to be propagated and utilized for propaganda purposes to this day. This is a very old repeated pattern of murderous despots silencing both the truth and their enemies similar to LBJ’s sinister role as a JFK murdering conspirator and the long list of once close associates murdered by the criminal BushClinton cabal. Mankind’s bloody history on earth throughout the ages has been made by evil, power-hungry, psychopathic leaders committing murder of perceived rival threats to gain and maintain their power.
The facts behind Khojaly are as follows. The Azeri villages of Khojaly and Shusha were the military headquarters for the Azeri armed forces operating inside the Nagorno-Karabakh territory. The Khojaly residents were mostly Meskhesian Turks that had settled there during Soviet times. The Azeri forces had blockaded the only NK airport also located in Khojaly, cutting off food, fuel and medical supplies to the Nagorno-Karabakh capital of Stepanakert ten miles away. After months of daily artillery shelling of Stepanakert killing hundreds of Armenian civilians since October 1991, the Azeri military was about to move onto the last NK village prior to attacking Stepanakert itself. In order to prevent what would have been a decisive crushing blow for the NK Armenians, the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Forces knew they must fight the Azeri army in Khojaly to break the Azeri blockade and thwart the advancing threat to their NK capital.
So for ten straight days prior to the attack on Khojaly, the Armenian forces broadcasted over loudspeakers warning the villagers of the imminent attack. This was confirmed independently by Russians as well as surviving Azeri-Turk villagers. Azeri journalist Eynulia Fatullayev later wrote in his book Karabakh Diary:

Several days prior to the attack, the Armenians had been continuously warning the population about the planned operation through loudspeakers and suggesting that the civilians abandon the town and escape from the encirclement through a humanitarian corridor along the Kar-Kar River. According to the Khojaly refugees’ own words, they had used this corridor and, indeed, the Armenian soldiers positioned behind the corridor had not opened fire on them.

Journalist Fatullayev also stated:

I talked to hundreds of refugees who argued the corridor was there and they stayed alive because of that corridor.

Fatullayev was subsequently charged with treason by the Aliyev government and imprisoned for eight and a half years for the apparent Azeri crime of honest reporting. Azerbaijan has no concept of a free press.
The fact remains that the Azeri military made no effort to ensure the Khojaly civilians’ safe passage, choosing not to evacuate civilians from the town. It’s public record that the Azerbaijani National Security Council met in Baku back on February 22nd, 1992, several days prior to the impending attack, to make the purposeful decision to leave the Khojaly residents in place for obvious reasons. The Khojaly mayor requested helicopters for the elderly, women and children but it too fell on deaf ears. Though the Armenian troops had offered a safe corridor for civilian departure from the village, by fateful design the remaining civilians left in Khojaly had been abandoned by their own government and set up as sacrificial lambs for propaganda purposes.
So with more than ample warning, the Armenian soldiers finally attacked the village on the night of February 25th. The Azeri soldiers used the civilian population as human shields as they fled.  Eyewitnesses also documented Azeri troops were firing on their own citizens as they frantically attempted to escape through the safe passage corridor that night. Other civilian refugees were misled by Azerbaijan military in a direction away from the designated corridor toward an Armenian controlled town where Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Forces engaged in gunfire with Azeri forces accounting for some civilian casualties. Meanwhile, Canadian military historian and author on the war Patrick Wilson Gore believes that:

Azeri troops ran faster than the Meskhetian Turk civilians that they had been using as human shields.

Gore maintains that the fleeing Azeri civilians were moving along the “safe” corridor to Agdam when a fortified Azerbaijan military garrison mistaking them for Armenian soldiers began firing upon civilians. He also asserts that Azerbaijan government is using false accusations that Armenians massacred Khojaly civilians is pure propaganda.
Though Armenians had successfully neutralized Azeri firepower by the morning of February 26th, the village remained under Azeri control for the next several months. Czech journalist, Dana Mazalova, viewing Khojaly videos of the deceased on February 29th and again on March 2nd observed that the latter video displayed corpses that had been scalped and mutilated. When the former Azeri president heard about this during an interview with the Czech reporter in April 1992, he asserted that his political opponents (led by daddy Aliyev) had “organized” the Khojaly massacre to force his resignation. Moreover, both the Azeri journalist-videographer and the Czech journalist were soon “mysteriously” found dead. Yet another gaping anomaly is the discovery that the Azerbaijani hoax-sters years later in their bogus “justice for Khojaly“ campaign were caught using a photo of victims from a Kosovo massacre taken in January 1999, then merely edited it and attempting to pass it off as evidence of their so called Khojaly massacre.

The Aliyev clan, in their decades old cover-up promoting their propaganda campaign to deceitfully whitewash their crime against their own people, have concentrated concerted efforts to turn Khojaly into a fake genocide. Yet repeatedly they’ve been busted for falsely using a series of photos taken from other conflicts and times proven not to be Azeri victims. One photo of a so called Khojaly victim that turned out to be photographed nearly 100 years earlier is none other than one of the three Young Turks responsible for the original 1915 Armenian genocide Ahmed Pasha.
Further, Azeri human rights activist Ari Yunusof wrote in July 1992 in an Azerbaijani newspaper, “The town and its citizens were deliberately sacrificed to the political goal,” referring to the preplanned agenda of the first Azeri president’s opposition led by Heydar Aliyev to topple his government.
On March 28th, 1992 a month after the Khojaly attack the Armenians handed over to the Azeri authorites more than 700 Azerbaijani refugees comprised mostly of women and children that had been found alive in Khojali or en route in the corridor.
The day after the Khojaly battle, the Azeri Ministry of Interior released the death toll at 100 casualties. Not surprisingly, the number of alleged civilian victims varies widely. The Armenian count maintains that only eleven were killed and that the Armenians the next day readily permitted Azeri forces access to the dead bodies. Two Azeri journalists from a helicopter claimed no more than 60 civilians killed. But the independent group Helsinki Watch based on an inflated Baku parliament report published a list of 181 total Khojaly Azeri-Turk casualties, 130 of them men and 51 women. Among the 181 dead were 13 children. Human Rights Watch asserted that there were just 161 bodies.
Less than a week after the Khojaly false flag, the Aliyev led conspirators that perpetrated murder of its own citizens, grossly padded the death count to over 1000 as zealously reported by such major mainstream US rags as the Washington Post and Boston Globe. The Azerbaijan authorities had begun their spin, grossly exaggerating the numbers to over 1200 victims. Without any investigation or attention to Armenian accounts of what had transpired, the Western press sensationalized the false flag event giving the Baku government traction to proclaim it a massacre and genocide including false accusations that Armenian soldiers had mutilated the dead bodies.
The lies behind Khojaly were then used a mere month and a half later to provide justification under false pretense to carry out revenge in yet more Azeri campaigns to ethnically cleanse civilians starting in the Armenian village of Maragha in April 1992. Shortly after the atrocities, crime scene investigators came upon civilians still in shock outside their smoldering burnt homes, discovering sawn off human heads, charred remains and vertebrae where victims were burned alive in front of their families. 45 civilians were confirmed dead and another 100 had gone missing. Yet this tragic atrocity that was actually well documented (unlike the Khojaly fabrication) was never publicized in the Western press. Ironically and incredibly a year short of the quarter century anniversary of this horror show the Western media again was strategically absent from reporting more Armenian heads being chopped off last month by the next generation of Azeri soldiers, terrorist militants and Turkish Grey Wolves.

It’s déjà vu all over again. Lies covering up the truth designed to blame Armenians for atrocities they did not commit have been pushed by Azerbaijan and swallowed up whole by Western press have attained political victories of sorts in subsequent years while the Maragha and Sumgait ethnic cleansings among others remain buried and rarely reported by the six oligarch owned mega-media news corporations. With Big Oil and corruption ruling the day, it’s not difficult to figure out why. And for that matter, it’s no surprise every April 24th Obama can’t say the g-word because the US-Israel-Turkish crime cabal will never say it either.
Along with the upcoming propaganda film painting Armenians in a negative, bloodthirsty light, other recent events also are transparently politicized events reflecting this same overt bias against Armenians. Take the recent Eurovision affair that’s supposed to be a talent contest showcasing competing national artists. When after her performance the Armenian contestant waved a Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh flag, Armenia was instantly disqualified from the competition. Meanwhile last Saturday’s winner in Stockholm was a Ukrainian Tartar singing the ballad “1944” about Crimean deportations under Soviet dictator Stalin taken as a modern swipe at Putin over his “aggression” to reclaim by consent the ethnic Russian residents of Crimea’s choice to rejoin and become Russian citizens like their ancestors had been since the 1783. Crimea had only become part of Ukraine in 1954 when Ukrainian born Soviet Premier Khrushchev granted it to his homeland. Yet despite her anti-Russian song when the Eurovision winner claimed her trophy, she preached only “peace and love” of all people. Of course, while the Armenian singer was banned and raked over the coals for her unpopular political sentiment, the Eurovision winner was lauded and rewarded for hers while another US Empire friend, oil-rich Azerbaijan’s singer also placed high among the finalists. The West’s over-the-top political hypocrisy even in “nonpolitical” affairs like the arts is so thoroughly tainted, co-opted and corrupted, last weekend “something is rotten in the state of [not] Denmark” but Sweden.
In a related affair in the competitive world of sports, a Kung Fu martial arts competition held in Ukraine a few days ago was badly marred when sore-losing Azeri adults supporting their athletes were defeated by a 12-year old Armenian boy from Nagorno-Karabakh. His Azeri competitor who had just lost a second match in the semifinals to an Armenian kept fighting after the bell which then incited a brawl caused by 30 Azeri men aggressively jumping into the ring. Eleven Armenian men and even the president of the Kung Fu Federation of Europe jumped into the fray to defend the Armenian winner. The disgraceful sore losers’ violent aggression was caught on video resulting in several men injured during the ensuing fight including the Kung Fu president.
This debacle from the current sports world is a fitting metaphor for the Azeri-Armenian conflict. The Armenians defending their homeland in the Nagorno-Karabakh War were also outnumbered by this same 3 to 1 margin yet managed to win the war. 20,000 Armenians (8,000 from Armenia) prevailed against a total of 64,000 combatants composed not just of Azeris but Turks, Afghans and Chechen militants as well. And during last month’s 4-day war the Azeri invasion was successfully thwarted where initial Azeri gains for high ground inside Nagorno-Karabakh territory were lost two days later to the defending Armenians, which prompted the Aliyev to “magnanimously” call for a ceasefire after falsely claiming his forces had been attacked by Armenians. Clearly it was more disingenuous propaganda war courting world public opinion against Armenians. And then true to his deceitful character, instead of actually cease firing, Aliyev’s forces only intensified their fighting.
Again and again Armenians have victoriously stood the moral high ground and met their ongoing life-and-death challenges to survive having to constantly defend themselves against genocide at the hands of warring, violent, hostile Muslim neighbors in the face of relentless Turkish-Azeri ethnic onslaughts. And what’s disturbing is that truth has once again been largely lost and obscured by the almighty dollar. Baku oil investments by the West have conspired with corrupt Azeris to once again create more rationale for yet more war against the latest designated enemy, the Armenians, not for any Armenian wrongdoing but simply for existing where they’ve existed for over a millennium. But they are hardy, tenacious, enterprising survivors who refuse to lay down as the latest sacrificial lambs so that unethical wealthy American and European investors along with bloodthirsty Empire neocons can make billions in profit at their expense while weakening Russia as a global power.
It’s finally time for the truth to prevail and the evil ones be exposed for their ongoing countless crimes against humanity. With more military forces lined up to attack Russia at its border now than any time since 1941, Artsakh may just become the Austrian Archduke incendiary device that sparks the third world war. In this late hour citizens of the world must rise up and stop this homicidal madness, using the truth as their weapon to expose and prevent the evildoers from doing us all in.