Proof: It Was Trump, Not Richard Gere Who Did That Thing With The Gerbils

Meet The Press booked Jim Webb for Sunday's show. Had Chuck Todd gone outside the studio and scraped some dog shit off the ground and put it in the chair he would have had a guest more worth listening to. Or he could have booked Charles Blow, the NY Times writer whose column the next day may have been inspired by Webb-- one of the last of the notorious fake-Democratic racists who doesn't belong on national television. After all, part of Webb's right-wing schpiel Sunday was how rotten progressives are making a big mistake by being so mean to Trump and his regime. Blow reminded his readers this morning that "Trump is a vulgar, uninformed, anti-intellectual, extremely unpopular grifter helming a family of grifters who apparently intend to milk their moment on the mount for every red cent." Why would anyone be mean to him?

The Trump resistance movement is stretching its wings, engaging its muscles and feeling its power. It is large and strong and tough. It has moved past debilitating grief and into righteous anger, assiduous organization and pressing activism.Welcome to the dawn of the fighting-mad majority: The ones who didn’t vote for Trump and maybe even some who now regret that they did.They are charging forward under the banner of sage wisdom that has endured through the ages: Show up, get loud and fight back. Do it with your body and words, with your time and money, with every fiber of yourself. They see what this dawning regime means and they don’t intend, not even for a second, to wait around to see what happens. “What happens” is happening right now and it’s horrific.

But a grifter? A family of grifters? What does that mean? Back to Blow:

Trump still hasn’t released his taxes or fully disconnected from his businesses. His wife is suing The Daily Mail because she believes the newspaper may have injured her “unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to “have garnered multimillion-dollar business relationships for a multiyear term.” When his daughter Ivanka’s clothing line was dropped by Nordstrom, Trump lashed out at the retailer on Twitter, citing Ivanka as something of his moral compass: “My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person-- always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!” This begs the question: “Why do you need someone to push you to do the right thing?”Then, top Trump adviser Kellyanne “QVC” Conway, from the confines of the White House briefing room, said during a televised interview: “Go buy Ivanka’s stuff is what I would say.” She continued: “I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody; you can find it online.”Unethical is too kind a word for these classless cretins. Furthermore, Trump has nominated, and his Republican conspirators in the Senate have confirmed, a rogues’ gallery of some of the least qualified, most questionable appointees in recent memory. Aside from some of them being the fiercest critics of the very agencies they are charged with leading, some have also been accused of bigotry, plagiarism, insider trading and overall vacuousness.

Jim Webb, clearly, has no understanding of who or what Trump is-- let alone what Trump/Bannon is. We're lucky that many of our political leaders do. Republicans-- led by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell-- see the problem and recognize it as a way of getting their toxic, soul-killing agenda signed into law. But thank God for real Democrats-- not the Jim Webb types-- like Ted Lieu, Al Franken, Elizabeth Warren and, of course... Bernie. And don't we need Alan Grayson back around now?And in response to Jim Webb, the right-wing racist piggy who thinks there should be more Democrats like him who revere slave-holders: "Trump is not normal. He is not competent. And we will not simply sit back and suck it up." Oh... and John Oliver is back on TV! The Virginia racist should watch; everyone should.