Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins- Offshore Perspectives of Loony Tunes America

Peter B. Collins Presents Journalist Pepe Escobar
Inspired by the theme to Looney Toons, globetrotting reporter Pepe Escobar comments on the twin distractions from Donald Trump—America’s Berlusconi—and the Israeli-driven fight in Congress to scuttle the Iran nuclear agreement. Escobar was in Vienna for the talks, and reports that Russia is demanding that the US scuttle its plans for missile defense in Poland, since the imaginary threat from Iran has been deferred by the deal. And he notes that while those talks were winding up, Russia outflanked the US at a conference in Ufa, Bashkortostan where a new alliance was solidified between Russia, China and their BRICS allies.
*Pepe Escobar writes for Asia Times, Sputnik & RT.
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