Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Obama, Holder Sharply Curtail Press Freedom

Peter B. Collins Presents Pulitzer Prize Winner David Cay Johnston
Following the recent conference of Investigative Reporters and Editors, David Cay Johnston wrote a commentary for al Jazeera America, detailing the loss of transparency and freedom of the press under Obama. His first signal was when people in the White House press office would not give their names when he asked; six years on, the track record of investigating and prosecuting journalists—often under the Espionage Act–clearly shows that this administration has one of the worst records. We discuss Snowden/Greenwald/Omidyar, and Johnston reveals that Pando recently fired David Sirota for his tough reporting on New Jersey Gov. Christie.
*David Cay Johnston won the Pulitzer prize for his reporting at the New York Times; he also wrote for the Los Angeles Times. Presently, he writes a column for al Jazeera and one for Newsweek. He is editor of the new book Divided: The Perils of Our Growing Inequality. Read his al Jazeera commentary here
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