Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: How Did “NSA Reform” Bill Get Shredded in the House?

Peter B. Collins Presents Nadia Kayyali
In this interview with EFF activist Nadia Kayyali, we look at the process that drastically changed the already-weak “USA Freedom Act” that was passed by House Judiciary and Intelligence committees before it went to the floor and was rammed through with no amendments and only an hour of debate. As we detail, the NSA and FBI substituted vague language that actually appears to expand the government’s ability to collect massive amounts of data on millions of innocent Americans and others. We talk about concerns that this bad bill will be the only effort at reform, using NSA to deflect attention from possible abuses by the 16 other intelligence agencies.
*Nadia Kayyali was 2012 Legal Fellow at Bill of Rights Defense Committee, and joined the Electronic Frontier Foundation earlier this year, where she is an activist on surveillance and related issues.
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