Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: America Yawns at Obama’s Latest Afghan Plans

Peter B. Collins Presents Journalist Anand Gopal
Since 2008, Anand Gopal has reported from Afghanistan and broke the stories of the US night raids on civilians and secret prisons. He reacts to Obama’s new drawdown plans, and the passive reaction of American media and elected officials that some troops will remain until at least 2017. Gopal talks about his June 1 op-ed in the NY Times, and the failed Petraeus “surge” that put warlords on the US payroll whose loyalty will lapse when the payments do. He adds important perspective on the Berghdal prisoner swap, and profiles the 5 Taliban leaders released from Guantanamo, and explains that Obama’s new plans enable continued control over the secret Parwan prison.
*Anad Gopal is an independent journalist who has covered Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria and more, his new book is No Good Men Among the Living: America, The Taliban and the War Through Afghan Eyes.
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