Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: An 8th Grade Critic of Domestic NSA Spying

Peter B. Collins Presents Young Journalist Ben Blum
At age 13, Ben Blum just won a C-Span award for his documentary “Data Obsession”, which takes a critical look at NSA domestic spying. His 7-minute video is worth watching, and his interview with A T & T whistleblower Mark Klein demonstrates that Blum understands the scope of NSA data collection. He also displays remarkable knowledge and clarity about the Fourth Amendment and the current violations of it. He considers the domestic NSA surveillance to be unconstitutional, and understands that the FISA Court is not transparent..
*Ben Blum is an eighth grader at St. Mark’s School in San Rafael, CA. You can watch his video here
Listen to the full episode here (BFP Subscribers Only):