Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: “A Critique of Noam Chomsky”

Peter B. Collins Presents Professor Anthony F. Greco
MIT Professor Noam Chomsky has been a major voice for the American Left for over 50 years. In his new book, Tony Greco offers detailed criticism of selected subjects of Chomsky’s writings, from the Cold War to Viet Nam, Central America, Indonesia and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. While Greco generally shares Chomsky’s analyses, he cites some key factual errors he says remain uncorrected, and argues with some of Chomsky’s positions. Collins challenges Greco for relying on mainstream consensus to critique Chomsky, noting that Greco mostly ignores the legacy of US covert operations and the blowback they generate. And Collins takes on Greco and Chomsky for their shared view that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein “was a good thing” and for their refusals to show any skepticism for the official narrative of 9/11.
*Chomsky’s Challenge to American Power is the new book by Anthony F. Greco, who holds a PhD in Political Science from Columbia University and is an associate of the Columbia Seminar on Twentieth Century Politics and Society.

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