Processing Distortion: “How “Anti-Terror” Police State Systems Were Used to Roll Up Occupy”

Peter B. Collins Presents Beau Hodai
Beau Hodai is an independent investigative journalist who makes heavy use of public documents in his reporting. He describes how he was booted from covering an ALEC conference in Phoenix, and later learned that similar methods were used to monitor, infiltrate and disrupt Occupy Phoenix. We touch on the FBI’s Operation Tripwire and go into detail on his report Dissent or Terror: How the Nation’s Counter Terrorism Apparatus, in Partnership with Corporate America, Turned on Occupy Wall Street. We discuss the alliance of our expanded police networks with corporate security forces utilizing the Patriot Act and other enabling laws to gather intelligence on First Amendment activists, and Hodai’s latest investigation of deep conflicts of interest of Mark Brnovich, a candidate for Arizona Attorney General who was a lobbyist for corporate prison operator CCA.
* Beau Hodai is a freelance reporter and investigative journalist who contributes to PR Watch. He is the founder of DBA Press.
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