Processing Distortion: “Exposing the Appalling Corruption, Cronyism & Cover-Ups at NSA”

Peter B. Collins Presents NSA Whistleblower William Binney & the Nation’s Journalist Tim Shorrock
NSA Whistleblower William Binney and journalist Tim Shorrock of The Nation joins us for an in-depth and riveting discussion on the illegal domestic surveillance, corruption, cronyism and cover-ups at NSA.
William Binney, who spent 35 years at National Security Agency and quit over illegal domestic surveillance, explains how inexperienced the outside contractors were in the process of spycraft, sounds a clear warning about the massive permanent collection of electronic communications, and much more. Tim Shorrock covers the profiteering by an array of well-connected defense contractors led by SAIC, the privatization of national security tasks that ballooned after 9/11, the revolving door history of top officials like Bill Black, who worked for SAIC right before he became #2 at NSA, and the role of director Michael Hayden in the promotion of Trailblazer and evading responsibility for its failure.
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