Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Dennis Hastert: Why Prosecutors Will Be Forced To ‘Lose’ or ‘Drop’ the Case

Part I: What’s the ‘Real Case’ in the Hastert Case?
Welcome to our 22nd edition of Probable Cause. This is the introductory episode in our new series on the Dennis Hastert case, prompted by the silence of the US mainstream media per Washington’s calculated design.
With this new series I intend to shed light on obscured facts surrounding Dennis Hastert and his case, his Chief of Staff and loyal partner in crime, the illegal and immoral conduct involving Hastert and several other US officials that took place between 1997 and 2002, other high-profile participants, the parties that were not only fully aware of these activities but were also documenting-recording them, and the highest-level beneficiaries that have much to lose if real trials were to take place or real reporting were to be made public by the mainstream media.
For this episode I’ll begin to explain why the case is highly likely to be dropped or lost-on-purpose by providing you with the broad picture of the real case, talk about those with much at stake if the case were to proceed as a ‘real’ case, and various methods that could be implemented to limit and or end the case.
As always, our next episode will be based on your reaction, critique, responses and questions posed in the comments section below.
*To listen to our previous episodes on this topic click here
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Show Notes
Sibel Edmonds: An Inconvenient Patriot
Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?
Sibel Edmonds Testimony & Dennis Hastert
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Dennis Hastert: What Remains Beneath?
Dennis Hastert- A Portrait of a Political System Termite: The Erosion & Rotting of a Nation’s Foundation
Dennis Hastert Indictment (Court Document)
Hastert Indicted
Hastert, in hiding since indictment & molestation allegations, finally due in court
Judge grants extension for Dennis Hastert's pre-trial motions (Sep 11)
Who is Scott Palmer?