Pro-Russian rebels hand over MH17 black boxes to Malaysian officials + Latest UPDATES!

There goes THAT False Flag….
Pro-Russian rebels hand over MH17 black boxes to Malaysian officials –Rebels allow experts limited access to site and bodies –Five killed as clashes break out in Donetsk 
21 Jul 2014 The Guardian’s Shaun Walker reports that the “black boxes will be passed to the Malaysians right now – at 1.10am on the 11th floor of this occupied government building.” The Malaysian delegation has taken possession of the boxes…Heavy fighting broke out in Donetsk between rebels and the Ukrainian military, killing five people.

href="" target="_blank">Obama: ‘Burden is on Russia’ to ensure full access to MH17 site
21 July 2014 Asked about what steps world powers should next take, Poroshenko says nations should use “all opportunities, starting [with decisions] from the UN security council…He also denounces the “irresponsibility” of rebels and Russia, noting how much time passed before investigators could reach the scene and before Russia made a clear call for a transparent investigation. He says dialogue continues with Russian representatives.

Putin: Task force at MH17 crash site not enough, full-scale international team needed
 21 Jul 2014 The tragic Malaysian MH17 flight crash must not be politicised and the international experts on the scene should be able to carry out their work in complete safety, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. “There are already representatives of Donetsk and Lugansk working there, as well as representatives of the emergencies ministry of Ukraine and others. But this is not enough,” Putin said officially commenting on the tragic event on Sunday. “This task force is not enough,” Putin emphasized. “We need more, we need a fully representative group of experts to be working at the site under the guidance of ICAO, the relevant international commission.”

Ukrainian Su-25 fighter detected in close approach to MH17 before crash – Moscow 
21 Jul 2014 The Russian military detected a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the MH17 Boeing on the day of the catastrophe. Kiev must explain why the military jet was tracking the passenger airplane, the Russian Defense Ministry said. “A Ukraine Air Force military jet was detected gaining height, its distance from the Malaysian Boeing was 3 to 5km,” said the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the HQ of Russia’s military forces, Lieutenant-General Andrey Kartopolov, speaking at a media conference in Moscow on Monday.

href="" target="_blank">MH17 Was Escorted by Ukrainian Fighter Jets – Spanish Air Traffic Controller
18 Jul 2014 Above are “tweets by a Spanish air traffic controller at Kiev Airport.” The Spanish air controller suggests that the order to down MH17 came from the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior. The Spanish air controller also said that the MH17 flight was escorted by Ukrainian fighter jets minutes before it was downed.

href="" target="_blank">MH17: Rebel leader claims bodies were planted
19 Jul 2014 A top pro-Russia rebel commander in eastern Ukraine has given a bizarre version of events surrounding the Malaysian jetliner crash – suggesting many of the victims may have died days before the plane took off. The pro-rebel website Russkaya Vesna has quoted Igor Girkin as saying he was told by people at the crash site that “a significant number of the bodies weren’t fresh”, adding that he was told they were drained of blood and reeked of decomposition. The Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777 was shot down about 3am, NZT, yesterday, killing all 298 people aboard.

Presumed MH17 data recorders found in E. Ukraine, taken to Donetsk – militia 
20 Jul 2014 Items presumed to be the data recorders from the crashed Malaysian plane have been found and delivered to Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, according to the leader of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk. “Aircraft parts looking like black boxes were found at the site of the plane crash. They are currently in Donetsk, in the People’s Republic’s (DPR) government headquarters, under my personal control,” Aleksandr Boroday, the republic’s prime minister, told reporters. The self-defense forces are ready to hand the data recorders over to international monitors “in case they arrive,” he said.

href="" target="_blank">Heathrow worker who left UK to fight with pro-Russian rebels says Ukraine and the West shot down MH17 to smear Russia
20 Jul 2014 A construction worker who lived and worked in Britain has today been revealed as a pro-Russian rebel who left the UK to fight in Crimea. Speaking exclusively to MailOnline today, Beness Aijo, 29, said: ‘I think that this plane has been attacked by Ukrainian military forces – maybe in co-operation with some Western Security forces. This plane was flying at 10,000 meters high, but Donetsk Republik army have anti-plane guns which can flight no higher than 5,000 meters. Second a Ukrainian air force officer told the Malaysian plane to go 600 meters lower. I think it was asked in order to attack it easier.’

