The President Of These United States Is Openly Using The Power Of His Office And The Resources Of The Executive Branch To Conspire With Foreign Governments Against Americans

-by Joseph Mamét So one thing I haven't seen teased out or talked about at all is, if the President has such serious concerns with what the Bidens did in the Ukraine, why didn't he ask his own investigative services like, for example, the FBI, to look into it? Why let a country we know is corrupt lead the way? And why isn't anyone asking that question? I mean, the answer is obvious-- their premise for all this is a bunch of crap-- but that no one is questioning said premise seems like a missed opportunity.I think what I’m really asking is why aren’t Democrats asking any hard questions at all? Questions that could lead to all kinds of traps. For example: You don't you trust your own FBI, Mr. President? Then do you trust the acting DNI who just testified? Should we? Why would you trust a foreign country-- where corruption is rampant-- to investigate an American citizen? Some people are calling what you are doing a witch hunt, how do you react to that? What other favors have you asked foreign countries to do? When else have linked conversations about aid the American people are sending to foreign countries to having them do favors for you? And my favorite: Fucking hell, Mr. President, what other batshit crazy stuff have you done? Are you investigating me? Are you ok?
Every single Democrat should be planting seeds of doubt like this, making this about everything else, the unknown and unknowable. That's what Trump does, and it's ok to beat him at his own game. Instead, I bet Democrats all just keep their noses down, doing their homework, and that’s fine, and important, but meanwhile the Republicans poke constant holes in the story and their efforts.And Democrats would be wrong to screw this up because this is incredibly serious stuff. I’ll put it in front of you again: by any reasonable interpretation, the President of these United States has been caught openly using the power of his office and the resources of the executive branch to conspire with foreign governments against Americans. Read that again and tell me I’m wrong, I’ll wait. Yah, didn’t think so.And, so help me, if you say, “well, the conspiracy wasn’t complete,” or “well, we don’t know if the Ukrainians did anything,” or “well, maybe Biden did it,” any other kind of stupid shit, I will slap you across your stupid face, just like Batman slapping Robin. Why? Because this isn’t about knowing the 100%, perfect, no-doubt truth anymore-- and that’s unknowable anyway, my naïve friend-- so get over it. No, what this is about is a cage-match-death-battle to protect our country, protect the concept of the Presidency, and to protect ourselves. The sooner you realize that, the better the chance we have.
Are Democrats holding back because it might hurt Biden? Bah. That can't be a real concern, can it? I mean, not if he's clean, right? But honestly, and this is important, so focus for a second: it doesn’t fucking matter if it’s true or not. It. Doesn’t.What matters is we're talking about the greater good, and I don't just mean the "Trump is horrible and should be removed" greater good, I'm talking about the "if he can be duped into something like this by Rudy Anyone-who-listens-to-me-for-more-then-three-seconds-knows-I’ve-lost-my-marbles Giuliani, than he really is a real threat to this country" kind of greater good. After all, what's next, Stephen Miller convinces him that immigrants are all carrying a disease that only affects white people?
No, I think no is asking hard questions because Democrats lack the strength and creativity to attack this with anything close to the enthusiasm that we know their opponents will bring. I'm afraid that Democrats are generally such of bunch of weenies that they won't press down on the gas pedal like they should. "Well, we have to let the process play out and carefully assess all the information and then take our time making a determination." Meanwhile, Trump and his sycophants have not only stolen all the hens from the hen-house, they burned it down and built a for-profit prison in its place.So grow a spine liberal weenies-- all of you! Yes, this means you, Mr. I-don’t-want-to-offend-anyone-sensitive-guy, and you, too, Ms. Reading-this-in-your-underwear-on-the-couch-with-chips-strewn-across-you-like-a-junkie. Oh, and especially you, Little-Johnny-do-gooder-let-the-process-play-out-super-weeny. All of you are hereby ordered to call your Congresspeople and tell them to grow a spine. Tell them that this is their shot and they better not screw it up. I mean for fuck’s sake, this is truly horrible. Truly fucking horrible. Let me say it again: the President of these United States is openly using the power of his office and the resources of the executive branch to conspire with foreign governments against Americans.I suppose incitement to civil war-- treason-- was inevitableNow you say it, and say it out loud with me: the President of these United States is openly using the power of his office and the resources of the executive branch to conspire with foreign governments against Americans.Now grab your dog and yell it in his face: the President of these United States is openly using the power of his office and the resources of the executive branch to conspire with foreign governments against Americans.Grab your partner and say it together: the President of these United States is openly using the power of his office and the resources of the executive branch to conspire with foreign governments against Americans.Say it to your co-worker at the water cooler: the President of these United States is openly using the power of his office and the resources of the executive branch to conspire with foreign governments against Americans.And then ask, “Jesus, what the fuck else has this idiot done like that?”