Podcast Show #119- Talking Turkey & The Possible Machiavellian Angle in the Latest Developments on Iran

Boiling Frogs Show Presents Pepe Escobar
On this episode of Boiling Frogs Show we are joined by roving journalist Pepe Escobar to discuss the latest developments on Iran and Turkey pushing crossroad politics. The episode is more of a lively debate than a straight-forward interview. You will be hearing facts, perspectives, and analyses completely absent from the mainstream media, including the high stakes for Turkey in its pursuit of becoming the East-West energy transit corridor with Iran by its side, and the possibility of this entire new situation with Iran being another well-calculated, cynical and highly Machiavellian set up concocted by the usual imperial hawks. We suggest you read Pepe’s latest analysis on Turkey here, and join this lively discussion with your own reaction and feedback.
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