PM Harper's drummer charged with sexual assaults. On children

UPDATE @ Bottom!  Well, well, well...... Prime Minister Stephen Harper's bandmate, his drummer, has been charged with molesting children. Sexual assaults on children. What is that saying about the company you keep?

“Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are"

PM Harper certainly keeps some interesting company

Ottawa police have charged a 43-year-old public school teacher — who is also the drummer in Prime Minister Stephen Harper's band — with sexual assault.Police say Phillip I. Nolan has been charged with five counts each of sexual assault, sexual interference and sexual exploitation in connection with alleged incidents while Nolan was teaching at a school in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.

Herringbone -Over the course of his musical career, Phil has played percussion with several groups, most recently Herringbone and The Centralaires.Here is PM Harper and Phillip Nolan rocking out at the love fest the Jewish lobby put on for PM Harper in Toronto. Butchering "The Seeker"An embarrassment for sure. YikesI am going to be honest here. I have often wondered about the connections between the Conservative government/party and one alleged killer- Anyone recall this fellow?A post I did way back that had thousands and thousands and thousands of hits and still get's hits to this very day

Luka Magnotta: Starting with a US Lawyer and ending.....

 -The story was that Mr Magnotta sent body parts to members of the Conservative party... including Mr Harper-But then some heavy hitters (legal types) in the Conservative party offered to defend Mr Magnotta -But only after the Conservative government spent more then $375,000 taxpayer dollars including catering to fly Mr Magnotta back to Canada!!!!

 I did then and do now find that entire case bizarre and exactly how the Conservative party connects to this boy toy/slasher is highly suspicious.The only reason the Conservative government undertook the bizarre move of flying Mr Magnotta back to Canada in the manner they did was to ensure he talked to no one.Oh and btw the request for  the servicing  of Magnotta in the most expensive manner possible was made by Vic Teows - Yes, the Vic Teows that was sleeping with the babysitterAnd since the infamous Mr Magnotta has been back in Canada- and immediately incarcerated we have not heard a peep from himI assume he is going to be railroaded?

Oh and one more! How could I have forgotten this fellow, however briefly?

Tom Flanagan: Mr Man/Boy love-  One of the men behind Stephen Harper The 'Godfather of Canada's Conservatives'

Both Mentor and Inspiration to Stephen Harper! Let’s meet Tom Flanagan:  A man who is ok with the exploitation of children and is or was on the North American Man-Boy Love Association mailing list for at least two years..

With video! Now keeping in mind the elite predilection to prey on our children?I am not suggesting PM Harper is involved directly, though who knows?I am merely pointing out that the Conservative party has had some very weird goings on...  “Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are"Thanks to anonymous commenter for reminding me of this good fella. Not.AnonymousFebruary 6, 2014 at 3:59 PMGood reporting on this stuff.

Remember the pilot who flew Harper and the Queen around Canada? Russell Williams. Throw him in the mix too.

Colonel Russell Williams- Military golden boy I covered that creep- The fly boy for the Harper regime, in more then one postbut try this one for size- Haiti child kidnappers& Killer Colonel updates

 He reportedly partied with Paul Bernardo while at university, though those reports were vigorously 'debunked' by corporate media.......hmmm.

Why yes, he did- I covered that in this post- The Killer Colonel and the Serial Killer Paul BernardoThe killer colonel and Defence Minister Peter MackayMore complaints against PM Harper's drummer- As 3 more victims come forward

A day after police charged an Ottawa music teacher who plays in the prime minister’s band with sexual assault, three more alleged victims have come forward.

Complainants began contacting investigators late Thursday afternoon, police sources told QMI Agency. The complaints all concern Phillip I. Nolan, 43, drummer in Stephen Harper’s band Herringbone.

Prior to the new complaints, Nolan was charged with 15 sex offences against two girls in the late 1990s, including five counts each of sexual assault, sexual interference and sexual exploitatio