Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte blasts North Korea but cautions Donald Trump

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has offered harsh words for North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, but cautioned Donald Trump not to go to war with North Korea as it would play into Kim’s hands.
Duterte stated,

“The guy (Kim) simply wants to end the world, that is why he is very happy. He is always smiling. But he really wants to finish everything and he wants to drag us all down”.

He continued,

“I would say ‘Mr. President (Trump), please see to it that there is no war because my region will suffer immensely…I will just communicate to him – ‘Just let him play… do not play into his hands”.

Duterte seemed to take the view that Donald Trump was in a position to restrain the more trigger happy members of the US military saying,

“I am sure President Trump is cautioning his military to just maybe… not to start something which they cannot control.
We have to caution everybody, including those who’d give the advice to the two players, because you have nuclear warheads, to just show restraint. One miscalculation of a missile, whether or not a nuclear warhead or an ordinary bomb, one explosion there that would hit somebody would cause a catastrophe”.

Duterte who is famed for his flamboyant style and speeches filled with profanities, seems to have spoken good sense on the most difficult issue currently besetting East Asia.
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