Pentagon Mulls Yet Further Boost To Ukrainian War Effort

National Radio Company of Ukraine
July 29, 2014
United States to consider Ukraine’s request for additional military aid
This was stated by the Pentagon’s chief Chuck Hagel during a telephone conversation with Ukrainian Defense Minister Valeriy Geletey, the press service of the U.S. Defense Department said.
Valery Geletey informed Chuck Hagel that despite considerable strengthening of the Ukrainian army, the situation in the east remains challenging. The reason is, as the Ukrainian minister said, in direct support of fighters from Russia.
The head of the Pentagon assured: the U.S. government will continue its consideration of requests for additional assistance on a level of broad interagency cooperation. Ealier to this an act was submitted for considerationn of the US Congress that proposes granting Ukraine a special status – as to Israel, Australia and Philippines, which are allies outside the NATO block – in order to resolve the security issue.
And on July 25 it was announced about an increase of the U.S. military assistance to Ukraine to USD 33 million.
