PBC News & Comment: Trump Team Fumbles on Obamacare, Iran and Yemen

Key GOP senator shifts talk of Obamacare repeal to “repair”,  damage control initiated on botched attack in Yemen, Iran tensions….--Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) redefines goal from “repeal and replace Obamacare” to “repair it”
--NY Times gently probes the details of Trump’s first military raid in Yemen,  while Britain’s Guardian calls it “botched raid” and quotes unnamed critics in Pentagon
--in high-stakes mistake, Trump’s spinmeister Spicer claims that Iran attacked US naval vessel, but in fact Houthi fighters attacked a Saudi ship off Yemen coast
--journalist Joe Lauria shares blog comments critical of Trump’s moves on Iran
--Trump’s heavy-handed treatment of Australian PM in phone call led to abrupt end after Turnbull insists that US honor agreement to take 1,250 refugees
--poll shows public is split over Trump travel ban, 48-41%
--NY Times report defines Trump’s “dark view of Islam” and the people who stoke it
--to overcome Dem boycotts of confirmation hearings, GOP majority rewrites the rules to send controversial nominees to floor votes
--one of those is EPA pick Scott Pruitt, and climate denier Myron Ebell outlines his mission: abolish the EPA
--House Dems and Inspector General move to preserve records of Trump’s gag orders and travel ban order
--at UC Berkeley, peaceful protesters of right wing provocateur’s speech are overrun by a handful of “black bloc” agitators, drawing tweeted threat from Trump
--76 protesters who tried to set up new camp at Standing Rock are arrested, as native leader urges supporters to stay away
--in West Bank, illegal Jewish settlers resist eviction from Amona
--in Oakland court, prosecutors reveal their case against the widow of accused Orlando nightclub shooter
--San Francisco ends its 10-year agreement with Joint Terrorism Task Force
--at National Prayer Breakfast, Trump’s comments about Schwarzenegger and TV show aren’t quite as unhinged as they first appeared to be