PBC News & Comment: Trump Shows His Ignorance in Mexico

In last-minute trip to meet with Mexican president, Trump underscores his own ignorance about America’s immigration issues, displays his racism…..--as expected, Brazil’s Senate seals the removal of President Dilma Rousseff in 61-20 vote
--The Guardian runs a good recap of Hillary Clinton’s role in support of 2009 coup in Honduras
--freelance reporter Peter Byrne exposes Teneo Holdings for its close ties to the Clinton Foundation, and where Huma Abedin was on the payroll
--hypocrisy abounds, as lawmakers and business leaders defend Apple’s tax scams from Euro enforcers
--in North Carolina, GOP vote suppressors are relentless, even after federal court struck down previous efforts, using local election boards to limit participation
--in Florida and Arizona primaries, incumbents and establishment candidates win
--federal appeals court in New York overturns $650 million verdict against Palestinian Authority
--in his latest report, Gareth Porter exposes US support for sectarian war in Syria
--The Intercept reports on the new conflict in Syria triggered by new US-Turkey deal