PBC News & Comment: Trump Leads Bloodless Military Coup

Trump said Obama had reduced our generals “to rubble”, but he’s packing administration with generals and officers, including many “losers”…
--strong commentary at TomDispatch by retired Lt. Colonel William Astore is here
--Trump’s pick for Interior Secretary, Rep. Ryan Zinke, was bounced from Seal Team 6 for submitting fraudulent travel expense reports
--vote by Electoral College shows that spineless partisans run the show, and it’s past time to get rid of it, as NY Times editorial lays out
--federal judge orders release of FBI warrants in Anthony Weiner case that led to FBI Director Comey’s inappropriate statements right before the election
--after incidents in Turkey, Berlin and Zurich, Trump tweets first asks questions later…if ever
--in final wave of prisoner releases, Obama notifies Congress that 17 or 18 more men will be released before inauguration day
--IMF boss is found “negligent” in old French case, but Christine Lagarde will continue to run the bank and impose austerity on poor people
--Justice delayed: New Orleans settles cases of police brutality that followed Katrina
--the emergency managers who ordered the shift to tainted water in Flint, MI, have been charged, but Gov. Rick Snyder continues to escape responsibility
--in North Carolina, discriminatory bathroom law may be repealed by Republicans in final lame duck action
--our official film reviewer, Gary Chew, gives us his take on “Jackie”