PBC News & Comment: Trump is Down, But Don’t Celebrate Yet

Trump’s self-inflicted wounds have caused real damage, but Clinton’s self-inflicted wounds, and a dose of fear could change it all….--Trump is now blaming “corrupt media” for his blunders last week
--campaign manager Paul Manafort was close to Ukraine's deposed leader, and shows up on payment sheets for political slush fund
--alleged Russian hacker drops more data from DNC, this time it’s personal phone numbers and emails of members of Congress
--CORRECTION; in Friday’s podcast, I incorrectly said that the Clinton’s charitable contributions didn’t go to their foundations
--in op-ed, Thomas Frank notes that a Trump loss will enable Clinton to ignore the platform and pitches she made to Sanders voters
--Maureen Dowd says Clinton is ideal GOP nominee
--to its credit, NY Times devotes its entire Sunday magazine to “Fractured Lands” about the mess we’ve made in the Mideast
--wars in Syria, Libya and Yemen roll on
--Vets for Peace convention featured Andrew Bacevich, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Oliver Stone and Roy Scranton
--Trump casually supports trying Americans at Guantanamo, as NY Times reporter Charlie Savage calls for release of secret files on former prisoners
--new documents expose how CIA interfered in Gitmo courtroom proceedings
--in Milwaukee, police shooting of black man sparks 2 tense nights
--California’s drought produces more wildfires this summer, and the town of Lower Lake burns after being spared twice before
--folk singer Glenn Yarbrough dies at age 86