PBC News & Comment: Trump Blitz Restores Cheney’s “Dark Side”

In flurry of radical orders, Trump seeks to restore torture, black sites, kangaroo courts, and will investigate nonexistent voter fraud….--pandering to his base, Trump orders review to restore Bush-era interrogation and detention policies, underscoring Obama’s refusal to prosecute prior crimes
--embracing unproven “conspiracy theory”, Trump orders Jeff Sessions to investigate claims of massive voter fraud by noncitizens
--Steve Bannon, Trump advisor and alt-right legend, is one of the potential violators, he’s registered to vote in NY and FL
--Trump vows to build border wall, defying logic and his own DHS chief, and thinks he can cram the cost on Mexico
--at Buzzfeed, reporter Adolfo Flores offers reality check on border issues
--key agencies related to health and environment are gagged, and ordered to sit down and shut up….is this temporary?
--Trump floats 3 finalists for Supreme Court nomination, all young, all extreme, and if he chooses Bill Pryor, watch for gay porn pics
--after watching Bill O’Reilly, Trump tweets threats to Chicago over violence
--in op-ed, Bill McKibben slams Trump’s pipe(line) dreams, says Donnie is trapped in 1950’s thinking
--Gov. Jerry Brown vows to fight Trump, and alternative facts
--in interview with Jeremy Scahill, Seymour Hersh blasts media for promoting unproven Russian hacking claims from intelligence agencies
--bills to criminalize protests are advancing in many states