PBC News & Comment: Trump’s Court Nominee is Spawn of Reagan’s Anti-EPA Director of EPA

Judge Gorsuch, son of Reagan Wrecking Crew member is pro-corporate, anti-women’s rights “originalist” who’s even further right than Scalia….--Neil Gorsuch’s mom, Anne Gorsuch Burford, protégé of James Watt, ran EPA and set new lows for blocking enforcement on polluters
--Trump urges Senate to use “nuclear option” rules change to confirm with less than 60 votes
--Dems need 41 votes to filibuster the nomination under current rules, and some D’s have already decided to vote to confirm
--Judiciary Committee narrowly approves Sessions for Attorney General, signaling likely confirmation in floor vote
--causing virtual whiplash, Obama appointee Neal Katyal supports Gorsuch and opposes Trump’s travel ban
--State Dept memo clarifies travel ban terms, and quietly changes rules for green card holders and dual citizens
--CNN editor, green card holder, sues after being detained under Trump decree
--in California, cities and counties sue over Trump threats to sanctuary city policies, and state legislature considers statewide sanctuary law
--in Texas, GOP Gov. Greg Abbot cuts funds to Travis County (Austin area) over new sheriff’s sanctuary policies
--Army Corps of Engineers moves to grant easement for Dakota Access Pipeline, but environmental review may take years
--Republicans plan to undo Obama rules limiting methane release, drilling in national parks, and “mountaintop removal” coal mining
--new fighting in eastern Ukraine suggests Russia thinks Trump won’t resist
--as Israel removes Amona settlement, Netanyahu rushes approval or more illegal units
--in risky, arrogant move, Netanyahu supports Trump plan to move US embassy to Jerusalem, and also supports his Mexico border wall
--Fox “News” finally deletes false tweet about Quebec shooter, after rebuke from Canadian PM’s office
--Gregg Phillips, source of Trump’s claim of millions of illegal voters, is registered in 3 states himself
--AP report shows incompetence by contractor who handles social media cyber patrol for Air Force
--NY AG sues Time Warner Cable for internet speeds that are 70-80% slower than ads claim
--after 4-year struggle, San Francisco’s conservative archbishop is ordered to pay $3 million for health insurance for its employees
--in Florida, a Catholic priest who was murdered left instructions that his killer shouldn’t be executed; but DA is seeking death penalty