PBC News & Comment: Standing With the Standing Rock Sioux!

Over Labor Day weekend, Native Americans protesting Dakota Access Pipeline tangled with security goons using attack dogs and pepper spray….--musicians Jackson Browne, plus Charlie Pierce and Leland Potter of Choctaw Wildfire raise their voices for the Lakota, with links to the Austin music scene; Jackson Browne's statement is here
--DeSmogBlog has good coverage
--federal judge in California blocks fracking on 1 million acres
--President Obama almost apologized to Laos yesterday for massive bombing during Vietnam war
--Syrian opposition groups announce transition plan for Syria, with help from UK’s new foreign minister, Boris Johnson
--major antiwar conference set for Washington in September, and US is blocking attendance by Britain’s former ambassador to Uzbekistan; details here
--our new in-depth interview with author Brad Schreiber reveals the full story of the 1970’s SLA and kidnap of Patty Hearst
--this PBC podcast is available on YouTube!
--leftwing rag Fortune reveals that Goldman Sachs has ordered its partners not to donate to Trump, but they can give to Clinton
--House Dem leader Pelosi is asking Speaker Ryan to pledge not to use hacked info in campaigns, continuing to blame Russia for hacks, with no new evidence
--Clinton and Trump will be on MSDNC for “commander in chief forum”, back-to-back interviews focused on veterans and war policy
--Trump is on defensive for his donation to Florida attorney general, who dropped suit against Trump U; Clinton’s response on “pay to play” is a bit awkward
--latest national polls show race is tied, state polls still show advantage for HRC
--Beltway organ The Hill runs article by Trump dirty trickster Roger Stone, who uses Dem primary anomalies to argue the election can be rigged
--in the Senate, the fight continues over Zika funding, as GOP poison pill on Planned Parenthood is downplayed, making Dems look like obstructionists
--Darren Seals, Ferguson protest organizer after Michael Brown death is found shot to death in a burning car near St. Louis