PBC News & Comment: Part 2, NY Times Exposes Fake News Story, American-Made

NY Times reporter Scott Shane, who’s promoted evidence-free CIA claims of Russian hacking, exposes Maryland author of major campaign fiction…--read the story here
--seven Democrats want to be DNC chair, and they debated in DC last night
--California’s senior senator, and oldest in the chamber, Dianne Feinstein, hints that she will run again in 2018
--Trump descends on DC for inauguration, and hypes his cabinet for high IQ’s
--Senate Dem leader Schumer blusters about Trump nominees, but confirmations will start on Friday
--Rick Perry rejects stupid things he’s said in the past about climate change and the Dept. of Energy
--in confirmation hearing, Sens. Warren and Wyden slam Treasury pick Mnuchin, who forgot to disclose $100 million in assets