PBC News & Comment: Obama Earns Scorn on Vacation

Katrina déjà vu—golfing Obama appears tone deaf to victims of Lousiana flood, as critics replay his slams of Bush…..--listener Linda Lewis, expert on disaster response, brought this to my attention in a series of Facebook posts
--federal judge in Texas blocks Obama’s transgender bathroom rules, see Newsbud interview with Kara Dansky
--PBC bows out of Newsbud
--strong NY Times editorial hammers UN for failing to control peacekeepers who brought cholera to Haiti and sex crimes to Central African Republic
--Sunday NY Times front pager exposes the blatant conflicts of interest created by the Clinton Foundation, as new info surfaces about donor access to State Dept
--court orders release of 15,000 Clinton emails—that were not personal, as claimed—will be released just before election day
--listener Mark Lewis (no relation to Linda) digs up article that describes Trump’s use of “apophasis” to deliver attack lines
--a kinder, gentler version of Trump now says his racist immigration policies will be “firm, but fair”
--NY Times spills more ink on Trump’s finances—he’s loaded with debt, more than he has disclosed
--Military Times confirms that US has 9,000 troops in Afghanistan, and 29,000 contractors
--former Navy Seal who wrote unauthorized book on bin Laden raid forfeits $6.8 million in proceeds
--war in Syria leads to crowded skies, as US scrambles jets to protect “trainers” and proxy forces from attacks by Syrian planes
--in Phillippines, new strongman President Dutarte defends the wave of killings of alleged drug dealers by criticizing killing of innocents in Syria