PBC News & Comment: NY Gov. Cuomo Signs Unconstitutional Order Against BDS

After legislature balked, NY Gov. Cuomo signs clearly unconstitutional order punishing groups that boycott Israel, drawing parallels to 1950’s McCarthyism…Read about it here
--Netanyahu admits that shady Frenchman donated $40,000 to his slush fund, but denies receiving more than $1 million
-in our first video Newsbud Report, just released, we cover the appointment of Avigdor Lieberman as Israeli defense minister
--France hosts Mideast peace talks, but Israel and Palestine are no-shows at initial photo-op event
--2 NPR reporters are killed in southern Afghanistan
--HBO’s John Oliver does it again—he exposes debt collection parasites, then relieves 9,000 people of medical debts
--another FOIA success for Jason Leopold at VICE, proving that NSA lied about Snowden’s attempts to “go through channels”
--Tuesday’s primaries in CA, NJ, MT, NM SD and ND aren’t likely to give Clinton the nomination, but the media will play it that way
--Sanders breaks silence, criticizes Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest
--leadership of Sanders campaign is clearly split over next steps, signaling capitulation at some point
--Peter van Buren explains that the email scandal is getting worse, with evidence that CIA agents’ names were revealed
--Buzzfeed won’t take Trump ads, founder compares them to tobacco ads
--3 Minneapolis men of Somali heritage are convicted of trying to join IS, another case with paid FBI informant
--FBI’s 95% flawed evidence based on hair analysis draws new rules from Justice Dept, 12 victims executed or died in prison
--Chicago releases videos of police shootings, a rare moment of transparency in the Windy City
--“bomb train” derails, explodes near Portland, OR
--Muhammed Ali dies at age 74, always controversial, here is a critical obit from Ishmael Reed