PBC News & Comment: Nice Attack Defines Summer of 2016

War-driven upheaval and displacement, simmering ethnic and religious tensions lead to more repression, loss of life: a vicious cycle…..--alleged suspect was not know to French authorities, proving that police state can’t guarantee security
--motorcyclist tried to jump onto the deadly truck, was run over
--in surprise move, US proposes partnership with Russia to defeat IS
--whoops, Omar the Chechen, Islamic State leader killed by US in March shows up at meeting in Mosul, IS says he was killed in July 10 airstrike
--Obama holds town hall about recent violence by cops and against cops, angering daughter of Eric Garner, who called it a “farce”
--the Senate’s only black member, conservative Republican Tim Scott of North Carolina
--NSA whistleblower Thomas Tamm gets to keep his law license
--obscure Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board may survive efforts to limit its work
--BuzzFeed investigation shows that Obama did not ban all forms of torture
--FBI defends its use of hacking and malware, cuz they’re the good guys
--as Congress takes 7-week break, Dems point fingers at Repubs for unfinished business
--in rare bipartisan vote, both Houses passed bill to address opioid and heroin epidemics with abysmal funding
--New York reports surge in overdoses from synthetic marijuana, or K2, 130 in last 3 days
--UN peacekeepers brought cholera to Haiti, and left unsupported babies