PBC News & Comment: More Media Outlets Challenge Meme of “Russian Hack of DNC”

--The Nation and Bloomberg demonstrate real journalism, and raise the obvious questions about foundational claims of Trump/Russia narrative….--based on the intel veterans we have cited here for a year, Patrick Lawrence in The Nation explores the forensic evidence that points to insider leak
--even Bloomberg acknowledges the work of VIPS
--and former UK ambassador Craig Murray tells ConsortiumNews, “I’ve met the person who leaked them”
--at The American Conservative, respected reporter Phil Giraldi recaps the Imran Awan case, another possible suspect of DNC leaks
--in fresh in-depth interview, Air Force Academy whistleblower Teresa Beasley tells of retaliation for refusing to manipulate sexual assault reports
--abstinence clearly doesn’t work at Air Force Academy, but Trump HHS is cutting funds for teen pregnancy programs in favor of abstinence-only efforts
--ignoring that North Korea has already called his bluff, Trump doubles down, says maybe “fire and fury” comment wasn’t tough enough
--infighting and backbiting continue, as Neanderthal Sebastian Gorka attacks Rexxon Tillerson’s diplomatic comments on North Korea
--Tillerson tells ambassadors how to dodge questions on climate change while promoting fossil fuels
--bankrolled by Sheldon Adelson, Zionists of America leads effort to force out current national security adviser McMaster, accused of soft support for Israel
--dividing GOP, Trump and allies attack Mitch McConnell and fund opponent of Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
--Dems are infighting, too, as Bill Clinton’s centrist, corporatist Democratic Leadership Council morphs into “New Democracy”
--NY Times covers the ongoing battle for Dem state party chair post in California, as “Boss” Baumann tries to fend off Kimberly Ellis and her election challenge
--after dithering, Trump declares national health emergency in opioid crisis
--Cuba is accused of using sonic weapons on US diplomats, one of whom may have been made deaf
--due to Pacific toxic algae plume, scores of sea lions are dying along California coast