PBC News & Comment: Media Blackout on Wasserman-Schultz IT Investigation

Corporate media outlets ignore arrest of Wasserman-Schultz IT staffer Imran Awan, who was arrested at Dulles before flight to Pakistan--pro-Trump Daily Caller digs up digital dirt on Wasserman-Schultz hires at center of investigation
--Buzzfeed recaps the story, but undermines credibility with repeated use of “conspiracy theory” tag
--Trump’s decree-by-tweet that trannies can’t serve in the military was a cynical ploy to win budget votes from hawkish, insecure Republicans
--my Facebook and family friend, Clark Bactad, made a strong statement
--in NY Times op-ed, Chelsea Manning talks back to Trump
--Jeff “Beleaguered Beauregard” Sessions files arguments asserting that major civil rights law doesn’t cover sexual orientation
--new White House mob enforcer Anthony Scaramucci follows Trump’s lead in juvenile Twitter attacks, with Reince Priebus as the target
--Steve Bannon reportedly advocates for 44% top tax bracket, and wants to regulate Google and Facebook as utilities
--GOP Senate death march for Obamacare faces hurdles from health insurance lobby as Trump threatens Alaska’s Murkowski, again
--in probable headfake, Trump threatens to veto new sanctions on Russia to make them even tougher
--Trump issues instant sanctions on Maduro government in Venezuela
--former Sen. Sam Brownback, who has wrecked Kansas as its governor, is rescued by Trump, named to lead religious freedom office at State Dept.
--Netanyahu relents on security measures at al Aqsa Mosque, as he threatens to expel al Jazeera from Israel