PBC News & Comment: Korean Vet Pete McCloskey Fears “Psychopath” Trump

McCloskey, who challenged Nixon over Vietnam in 1972, speaks out about Trump’s reckless behavior and “pricking” Kim and North Korea….--at The Intercept, veteran reporter Peter Maass says North Korea is consistent, US under Trump is the “X-factor”
--Washington Post reports that Kim’s envoys on “Track 1.5” are discretely asking for help in figuring Trump out
--former CIA officer and journalist Phil Giraldi is fired by The American Conservative for his article “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars”, and Valerie Plame gets flack for tweeting about it
--Kurdish referendum wraps up without violence or interference in northern Iraq
-Catalan vote for independence set for October 1, as Madrid feverishly tries to block it
--in Sunday’s NY Times, Joshua Keating surveys the world map, and sees that the US wants no changes
--Germans handily re-elected Merkel, but nationalist AfD made dramatic gains in Bundestag
--Latest stab at Obamacare fizzles, as CNN hosted interesting debate about healthcare and single payer
--at ConsortiumNews, Bob Parry rips Washington Post for latest Russiagate report on Facebook
--Vice News points out that no attempt is made to enforce campaign finance laws on “independent” political operators on Facebook and Twitter
--corporate media was hyperventilating about Russia’s “Zapad” war games, fake news?
--White House confirms that Kushner is not the only one using private email
--Puerto Rico deserves relief from protectionist Jones Act of 1920, which jacks up prices for just about everything, including building materials
--Dallas Cowboys kneel, then stand for anthem at Monday night game, as Trump revels in the shitstorm he’s stirred up
--Tom Reese notes that for American Catholics, kneeling is a sign of respect