PBC News & Comment: I Support Trump for President….of Uzbekistan!

Longtime dictator of the former Soviet republic Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, dies suddenly without successor; Trump fits the job description perfectly….--our dictator-in-waiting lies a lot; here’s a recap from just this week
--FBI releases Clinton email investigation files
--moderators for 2-party corporate presidential debates are named
--Pepe Escobar recaps the final stage of the coup that removed Dilma Rousseff as president of Brazil
--major demonstrations in Caracas, as Maduro government is blamed for food shortages and other problems linked to low oil prices
--only a week after it was evident, NY Times notes how the US has betrayed the Kurds who have been our best proxy fighters in Syria
--Supreme Court deadlocked on appeal of North Carolina voter suppression law, and Ian Milhiser maps the appeals courts on voting rights
--at The Intercept, Sam Biddle reviews a catalog of surveillance gizmos being marketed to local police agencies
--as crime rates fall, some small counties are increasing their conviction rates and filling up prisons
--at DeSmogBlog, Steve Horn connects Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) to the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline
--SpaceX rocket with Facebook satellite payload blows up pre-launch
--putting the coke back in Coca-Cola: big shipment of cocaine found at Coke plant in France
--Wednesday night, bass virtuoso Rob Wasserman’s life and music were honored at the Sweetwater in Mill Valley, check out this collaboration with Lou Reed, One For My Baby