PBC News & Comment: Hints About Murder From Trump and Assange

Trump makes alarming innuendo about “second amendment people” as Julian Assange hints DNC staffer Seth Rich may have been murdered…..--Trump’s comments echo former Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle’s “second amendment remedies” comment in 2010
--WikiLeaks offers $20,000 reward for info on death of DNC staffer Seth Rich
--newly released Clinton emails show coordination of donor maintenance by Doug Band at Clinton Foundation and Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills at State Dept.
--these new emails were deleted when Clinton turned over “work-related emails” from her server
--Obama administration delays release of Clinton’s emails about TPP until after the election
--in my latest Newsbud interview, James Bamford talks about DNC hacks and leaks, and the US lead in offensive cyberwarfare
--longshot independent presidential candidate Andy Basiago is a time traveler who says he is pre-identified as a future president
--federal investigation of Baltimore police shows deep bias against blacks
--40 documentary filmmakers call for end to arrests and harassment of citizens who shoot video of police actions
--Daniel Ellsberg speaks up for Chelsea Manning, slams attempts to punish her for attempting suicide
--following friendly photo op in St. Petersburg, Putin and Erdogan both face domestic attacks, in Crimea and southeast Turkey
--Russian mercenaries on the ground in Syria have sustained 500-600 deaths
--in Libya, militias report they have retaken Sirte from Islamic State
--UC Davis chancellor Linda Katehi finally resigns; it started with pepper spray
--P G & E utility found guilty on 6 felony counts for big pipeline blast, but federal prosecutors won’t explain why they reduced the fine by 98%
--embattled California condors are threatened by pesticides, read this report by former PBC producer Joshua Emerson Smith