PBC News & Comment: Congresswoman Visits Syria, Tells Truth About “Moderate Rebels”

Hawaii’s Tulsi Gabbard skipped inauguration to talk to people in Syria, including Assad, and exposes the myth of “moderate rebels”…--Trump’s secret plan to demolish IS is still secret
--State Dept’s entire senior management team has resigned
--in response to Trump’s threats to build a wall, Mexico’s president cancels planned meeting at White House next week, mostly hashed out on Twitter
--Trump responds will bully tactics, threatens 20% tariff on all Mexican imports
--mayors of “sanctuary cities” prepare to fight Trump on immigration
--in ABC interview, Trump says he believes torture works, and is surprised that key appointees don’t agree
--in NY Times op-ed, Gail Collins says VP Mike Pence advances far-right agenda
--Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) insists on a 9/11 commission type of investigation of the Russian election interference claims
--When Trump tells a lie, corporate media reporters and editors squirm
--at least 6 journalists still face felony charges for covering inauguration protests
--House Dem leader Nancy Pelosi finds Trump insecure, says she called him out over false claim of voter fraud on Monday
--Democratic dark money superPAC, Boldpac, calls for special election in response to Trump voter fraud claims, and many have signed impeachment petition
--in South Dakota, GOP lawmakers work to repeal ethics and campaign finance ballot measure that voters passed in November
--California’s rogue utility, P G & E, may be ordered by federal judge to disclose its criminal convictions for gas pipeline explosion in its advertising
--airlines have extreme policies regarding passengers with allergies to nuts