From Ethiopia, Obama smacks back at GOP presidential candidates desperate for attention as Trump stunts get all the media attention…..
--following the Ted Cruz stunt on Friday, senators in rare Sunday session slam Cruz for calling McConnell a liar, and no members defend Cruz
--NY Times is reeling from its report last week of “criminal inquiry” into Hillary Clinton’s emails, public editor Margaret Sullivan breaks it down
--in our new in-depth interview, author Ira Chaleff talks about "intelligent disobedience", when to disobey an improper directive
--Obama’s deal with Turkey to enter war against IS goes sideways quickly, as Turkey struck Kurds in Iraq, showing Erdogan has his own agenda
--Turkey calls for NATO meeting as Kurds respond to Turk attack
--Joe Stiglitz compares Greece to “19th century debtors prison” in strong op-ed
--in Kenya, Obama lectures Kenyatta on gay discrimination
--Sandra Bland’s funeral outside Chicago draws pledges of federal investigation
--federal judge in California orders release of immigrant mothers and children from corporate prison, citing “widespread deplorable conditions”
--Woz, Elon & Hawking warn of killer robots, and artificial intelligence conflicts
--Gov. Jerry Brown’s strong statements at the Vatican lead to criticism of his oil & gas policies in California
--to reduce public urination, San Francisco uses paint that splashes the pisser