PBC News & Comment: Americans Numbed by Daily Trump Scandals

Trump asked his ambassador to Britain to lobby for British Open at his Scottish golf resort, major donor implicated in Kentucky pension scam…--NY Times breaks story of sordid influence peddling aimed at bringing tournament to unprofitable Trump property
--David Sirota breaks story of Kentucky lawsuit against Steve Schwrazman, megadonor to Trump and Mitch McConell
--Trump issues unconstitutional and impossible order to subtract non-citizens from census-based reapportionment
--mayors of 15 major cities demand that Trump end federal presence in Portland, and stay out of other cities
--House Intel chair Adam Schiff says he’s shocked by DHS surveillance of protesters, as he fights to renew surveillance laws
--WashPost report says Homeland Security was supposed to focus on foreign terrorists
--in pre-dawn raid, NYPD took down occupation near City Hall
--Philadelphia is threatening to dismantle homeless protest camp
--in Albany, state lawmakers work on legislation to limit detention of protesters
--Portland protests continued last night
--67 current an former DA’s defend St. Louis prosecutor who filed charges against couple who brandished weapons at protesters
--Nancy Pelosi’s challenger, Shahid Buttar, draws sex harassment charge
--House will vote on removing Confederate statues from Capitol
--Sierra Club backs away from its hero and founder, John Muir over his racist history
--rare, bipartisan bill to maintain national parks cruises into law
--in the Senate, no bipartisan agreement on bailouts—GOP can’t even define its key elements
--our Covid-19 update, edited by Linda Lewis
--the lawyer accused of attack on federal judge’s home is being investigate for another killing in California
--Twitter puts restrictions on accounts linked to Q-anon
--Kim Kardashian asks us to take it easy on Kanye, he’s bipolar
--Obama goes to bat for Biden in tag-team video
--China promises retaliation as US shutters its consulate in Houston
--Jordan’s prime minister challenges Israel to pursue one state, with full rights for Palestinians
--Israel is leaking info about recent attacks on Iran, reports MintPress
--in well-argued essay, Robert Wright shows Bari Weiss is intolerant of other views, and uses anti-Semitism to attack critics of Israel