PBC News & Comment: 57% of Americans Doubt Election Results

Two weeks before the election, new poll shows that only 43% have confidence that their vote will be counted correctly….--PRRI poll is detailed here
--GOP-orchestrated voter suppression schemes are working
--former NSA technical officer Bill Binney says NSA could prove Russian role in hacking, if it wanted to, in ;attest in-depth interview
--Hacked emails show Hillary Clinton insisted on collecting $12 million from Morocco for Foundation last year, over advisers’ objections
--other emails show $3 million plan to challenge Murdoch-owned media about climate change
--NY Times has compiled list of 282 insults tweeted by Trump
--Elizabeth Warren turns Trump insult into badge of honor, promising that Nasty Women will vote against him
--investors pan AT & T merger plan with Time Warner, shares decline
--Daily Beast reveals A T & T’s secret Project Hemisphere, a cell phone tracking database
--at Vice, Jason Leopold exposes high rates of PRST for former guards at Guantanamo
--UN Human Rights expert slams UN over cholera in Haiti, calling the coverup “a disgrace”
--in Pakistan, terrorists kill more than 50 people in attack on police academy
--Standing Rock “water protectors” expand efforts to block construction
--Roger and Carol Shuler have filed lawsuits in Alabama to seek justice for retribution from powerful Alabama leaders