The Paris Conference On "Climate Change" Is A Sham: Great Video - "Won't Someone Think Of The Polar Bears ?!?"

Yes, there is indeed a "conference" going on right now in Paris France where the majority of the world's nations leaders are all sitting down and trying to hammer out new "protocols" to deal with the FRAUD of "Global Warming" or as they like to call it now "Climate Change".... It is a travesty to all of mankind, and the only net result will be nations imposing ridiculous "carbon taxes" on their own citizens......One of the major "selling" points that the scam artists behind the fraud of "Climate Change" have used for the last few decades was the insane idea that due to "Climate Change" the Polar Bears of the northern hemisphere were in danger of somehow "going extinct"...... It has been so amazing to watch the ridiculous shows and "commercials" over the Jew spew "talmudvision" over the last few years alone that constantly show Polar Bears in danger due to the planet "heating up"...To help those who have been brainwashed by the lies of "Climate Change" and to help settle the lies about Polar Bear "extinction" once and for all, I want to present the following very interesting video, entitled: "Won't Someone Think Of The Polar Bears ?!?" right here in its entirety.... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  Is it not amazing to see the reality that Polar Bears are no where near extinction as the nutjobs behind the sham of "Climate Change" constantly harp?  In reality these massive animals have indeed been on the increase and are in no way what so ever in any danger......Yes, the scam artists have been throwing that picture of a Polar Bear clinging to a small piece of ice in our faces constantly as their way of selling their lies... The reality is of course that Polar Bears are indeed most excellent swimmers and are in no danger of "drowning" due to "decreasing ice flows".....But even the threat of "decreasing ice flows" in the Arctic is a bunch of bull, simply because all evidence including that coming directly from NASA itself shows that the Arctic ice shelves are increasing and absolutely NOT shrinking... This makes sense due to the reality that the planet is actually cooling and not heating at all.....The bottom line is that man caused "Climate Change" and "Global Warming" have always been frauds... Man's influence on this planet's weather is minimal at best due to the fact that the almost exclusive driving force behind this planet's weather is our star, Sol......  Basically the scam artists are out there projecting their lies and people need to wake up and challenge these scam artists for their falsehoods...More to comeNTS