Pampered and Privileged vs. Privileged and Pampered

Extreme fringes of the American electorate, hardly indicative of mainstream thinking if such exists, have occupied headlines in major media since the Charlottesville events. That relatively small demonstration by conservative-right sources ranging from nationalists to separatists to Nazis and alienated people without labels was countered by an outpouring of relatively liberal-left numbers of a more generally popular though as alienated from actual roots among the electorate group. Counter demonstrations which include violence have become more popular since the election of Trump, though it was evident during his campaign when attenders of some of his rallies encountered mobs of righteous and often violent opposers.
The general climate of acceptability of acting like animals when encountering other humans seen as animals is becoming more popular under a media barrage of mind management that would make fictional dictatorial thought control seem like anarchic freedom by comparison. The cause of righteousness is popular among people in the USA who tolerate a value system that puts war and domestic pets higher than some human life in foreign countries or living in poverty here. This system, entertained, if sometimes critically, by the left and the right of capital, is too often left out of the picture of righteousness in a conflict that pits relatively privileged people with time to demonstrate against other relatively privileged people with more time to demonstrate. Given our systemic foundation and propaganda structure, programmed personal alienating factors about race, sex, ethnicity and religion loom much larger than material realities involving possession of dollars.
The prevalence of statue consciousness taking precedence over class consciousness is one of many indicators of this conflict being at the behest of, and hardly representing any even remote threat to, prevailing minority power over a failing political economic system whose headquarters in the USA approach the shape of its former colonies. Middle class travelers who once had to visit third world countries in order to see appalling poverty can now go downtown to dinner and find people sleeping in doorways, on the pavement or on colder nights even under parked cars, in most major cities in America. After dinner, some of them go home and plan protest demonstrations against hate, blacks, white supremacy, Jews, goys, gays, girls, boys, trannies, Nazis, the Klan and other villains.
None of the pampered and privileged will protest or demonstrate, peacefully or violently, about white supremacist billionaires and their well-paid servant class members of all those groups. Don’t hang by your lip waiting for them to do so, since they maintain pampered and privileged status by only opposing weaker, not more powerful forces. Instead of watching a spectacle of ruling minority organized theater which may eventually kill many innocent people, the less pampered and privileged need to start demonstrating for majority concerns like ending war, fossil fuel energy and poverty by creating public banks, national health care, full employment, real democracy and confiscating of minority billionaire wealth to begin paying for these and more programs. Some among the pampered privileged minority may even eventually see the light and join the majority, which is where they should have been in the first place.