Oklahoma Reserve Deputy Sentenced to Four Years in “Fuck Your Breath” Slaying

When it came down to it, the pay-for-play cop wannabe was treated nothing like a cop when it came to sentencing.
Instead of the usual probation or slap-on-the-wrist sentencing, Oklahoma reserve deputy Robert Bates was sentenced to four years in prison for shooting a man in the back while trying to taser him – the maximum allowed by law for the charge of second-degree manslaughter, according to News 9.
His mistake: admitting he had made a mistake in the seconds after he shot Eric Harris in the back on April 2, 2015.
“I shot him, I’m sorry,” Bates was recorded saying as he dropped his gun, a man whose training documents were falsified by Tulsa County Sheriff Stanley Glanz, which led to the sheriff’s resignation. 
Meanwhile, Tulsa County sheriff’s deputy Joseph Byars offered no apologies in the seconds after Bates fired his gun, killing the unarmed man who had been caught up in a sting operation for illegal gun sales.
“He shot me! He shot me, man. Oh, my god. I’m losing my breath,” Harris said.
“Fuck your breath,” Byars said. “Shut the fuck up!”
Byars, obviously, was the properly trained cop in this case. A man who not only would never had apologized for shooting a man in the back, a man who would have blamed the victim for causing him to fear for his life.
We know that because we see it almost daily from cops whose training documents were not falsified. They know how to kill and get away with it.
But Bates was nothing more than an insurance salesman. A rich insurance salesman who lavished the sheriff with donations and gifts and vacations.
A Sheriff Sugar Daddy who was unable to buy himself a ticket to freedom even as his attorneys argued that it was “an excusable homicide.”
That, we all know, requires a real badge.


Tulsa Sheriff Ordered Training Documents Falsified for Buddy Reserve Deputy Who Accidentally Killed Man; Name of “Fuck Your Breath” Deputy Released

Oklahoma Sheriff Glanz Resigns After “Fuck Your Breath” Investigation Leads to Criminal Charges Against Him

The post Oklahoma Reserve Deputy Sentenced to Four Years in “Fuck Your Breath” Slaying appeared first on PINAC News.
