Ohio Progressive Greg Howard Takes On The Deranged GOP Response To President Obama's Weekly Address on Overtime Pay

This morning, President Obama gave the above weekly address about strengthening overtime pay protections. It isn't complicated and shouldn't be controversial. "What every American wants," he summed up, "is a paycheck that lets them support their families, know a little economic security, and pass down some hope and optimism to their kids." It's less than 3 minutes long-- and even a Republican congressman should be able to understand it. John Boehner tasked one of his dullest backbenchers, Ohio Republican Bill Johnson, to respond to the president. Johnson, who has voted to repeal or wreck the Affordable Care Act, couldn't help himself and instead of addressing the president's points about overtime pay, went straight for the Republican obsession: denying health insurance to working families.Johnson: "I've heard from seniors across Eastern & Southeastern Ohio who are losing access to their doctors and seeing premiums increase because of Obamacare's cuts to Medicare Advantage," Rep. Johnson said. "President Obama promised us that if we liked our health plans, we could keep them. That has proven false, and each day more and more Americans are finding that out firsthand. I look forward to using this address as an opportunity to bring greater awareness to the very real problems of the president's health care law."Yes, Johnson is a blathering imbecile who almost no one takes seriously. We asked the progressive Democrat running against him, Greg Howard, a civil construction engineer and organic farmer, to listen to Johnson's "rebuttal" and respond to the response. Howard is in total agreement with President Obama about protecting overtime pay for workers but he addressed Johnson's off the rails remarks."The Medicare Advantage program," he reminds us, "was set up under the Bush Administration. It was set up for low premiums and high out of pocket co-pays (up to $7,000). A reputable independent insurance agent will not sell it. It was set up for people who had means, who could afford the co-pays and were healthy. Per the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) the insurance companies are now limited to 15% overhead and profit in this program. The insurance company defines the network so limiting access is part of their profit plan. If you need to drive 100 miles to use an in network provider, you may not go (let alone the co-pay). Out of network visits are not compensated."It is the Medicare Advantage insurance companies that are interfering with or eliminating our seniors’ relationships with their doctors."The good news is that under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), with preexisting conditions, seniors can change insurers and acquire a policy for Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap). These policies allow for choice of doctors and hospitals so seniors can visit their doctors and local hospitals."The best and easiest solution is Medicare for all, with the premiums now being paid to insurance companies going directly to Medicare. The savings would pay for the improvements of coverage to all seniors."The Republican Weekly Address should not be used to spread misinformation."Before Greg can go to the voters and take on Johnson directly, he has another conservative to beat first, Steve Israel's worst DCCC pick of the 2014 cycle, wretched Blue Dog Jennifer Garrison. Garrison got her ignominious start in politics by running to the right of a Republican state legislator! She's built a sleazy career in Ohio politics as an ardent opponent of women's Choice and as one of the worst and most vicious homophobes ever elected to the Ohio state legislature. If Greg can beat her in the May 6th primary, voters will have a choice in November between a progressive and a conservative, instead of between two conservatives. If you'd like to help Greg beat his two conservative opponents, here's the place.