Ohio man parents cry foul over arrest of their son in terror plot against the U.S. (Set up by FBI)

Chris Cornell from the band Soundgarden says he is Innocent… uh seriously … can anyone name just ONE alleged US “Terrorist” NOT set up by the Feds? Hutaree Militia in MI. where cleared in a 2 yr trial for just this reason! NY 1993 was an FBI op. Etc….. Anyone falling for this anymore?
Does this kid look like he was on medication to you too?
A day after the arrest of an Ohio man over a plot to attack the U.S. with bombs and guns, parents of the 20-year old Christopher Lee Cornell have come out crying foul. They claim their son was set up by the FBI in the alleged terror plot. Cornell had contact with an FBI informant as he planned the attacks, according to the FBI.
Cornell is cited as a sympathizer of the ruthless terror group known as ISIS, which is causing havoc in Syria and Iraq. The U.S. military and allied forces have been trying to downgrade the capacity of ISIS, a group that last year beheaded a U.S. journalist and several others.
Enemy of the Congress
The FBI cites that Cornell is not only a supporter of ISIS, but considered the Congress his enemy. He was willing and planned to attack the national landmark in Washington D.C. Investigations unearthed that the alleged terrorist operated a Twitter accounted under the alias Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah. It was on Twitter that FBI says Cornell posted content in support of ISIS, such content included videos.
Mummy boy, not terrorist
However, in the defense of their son, John Cornell Sr., the father and mother Angela Carmen, the mother, said Cornell is not a terrorist. The father said that be probably knew the young Cornell better than anyone out there. Therefore, based on that knowledge of the son, Cornell Sr. said his son is a good person, a typical kid that still calls the mother “Mummy”.
According to Cornell Sr. and Carmen, the parents of the terror suspect now facing charges in a U.S. federal court in Ohio, FBI set up their son in the alleged terror plot. With just about $1,200 in his bank account, the parents cannot understand how the son could have acquired 600 rounds of ammunition and two rifles. FBI claims Cornell brought the weapons to carry out an attack on the Capitol Hill. Cornell Sr. cited that the guns in question probably cost $2,000, something that makes him believe FBI provided the money for the weapons in the set up plot.
Specifically, the FBI claims, Cornell sought to detonate pipe bombs in Capitol Hill while readying himself to open fire on the people escaping from the explosions.
More at West Side Story
ALSO SEE: (The terror events “Foiled” by citizens, mentioned by Judge Nap below, were also Gladio stlye setups! Proven!)

